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Artículos sobre Islam

Mostrando 181 - 200 de 551 artículos

An Islamic Society of North America Mosque community member hands out candy to children in a drive-through Eid celebration in Mississauga, Ont., on May 24, 2020. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Frank Gunn

Allowing the call to prayer in Canada spurred complaints — but not about noise

The public broadcast in Canada of the call to prayer during Ramadan this year caused some tensions. What the preliminary research has shown however, is that it wasn’t the noise people objected to.
A bird house on an exterior wall of the Yeni Valide mosque in Istanbul. Christiane Gruber / Anurag Papolu

Video: A place for people to pray and birds to sing

The mosque is where men and women and children go to pray. But, according to art historian Christiane Gruber, some make room for other, non-human creatures too.
A man marks places in a mosque for worshippers to maintain distance during prayers after the government relaxed the weeks-long lockdown that was enforced to curb the spread of the coronavirus, in Peshawar, Pakistan. (AP Photo/Muhammad Sajjad)

Pakistan’s religious leaders defied coronavirus mosque restrictions then compromised

The ulema’s reaction to the government’s decision to limit access to mosques — and the civil society’s counter-reaction — should be viewed in terms of challenges to traditional theism in modernity.
Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque in Minneapolis, Minnesota, before the midday prayer during Ramadan, the Muslim holy month that ends May 27, 2020, and is celebrated this year amid pandemic. Stephen Maturen/AFP via Getty Images

Muslim women observe Ramadan under lockdown – and some say being stuck at home for the holiday is nothing new

A survey of Muslim women finds many are frustrated by having a Islamic holy month in quarantine. But others say a ‘remote Ramadan’ is nothing new because child care duties often keep them home anyway.
A crucifix, believed to be miraculous, that in 1552 was carried in a procession around Rome to stop the great plague, left, frames Pope Francis, wearing white, as he delivers a prayer from an empty St. Peter’s Square, at the Vatican, on March 27, 2020. (Yara Nardi/Vatican News via AP)

How faith communities are responding to the coronavirus pandemic

Religious communities are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic to provide meaning and help in a time of uncertainty
This year’s hajj, which draws more than 2 million pilgrims to the Ka'ba mosque at Mecca, is likely to be cancelled. Shutterstock

How coronavirus challenges Muslims’ faith and changes their lives

As it has for many other people, the lockdown restrictions to deal with the spread of coronavirus is having a signficiant impact on the way Msulims practise their faith.
Pakistani Islamists march to protest the Supreme Court lenient treatment of Asia Bibi, a Christian Pakistani woman accused of blasphemy, in Karachi, Feb. 1, 2019. ASIF HASSAN/AFP via Getty Images

Execution for a Facebook post? Why blasphemy is a capital offense in some Muslim countries

Pakistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia all punish blasphemy harshly – even with death. Such laws have political as well as religious motives, says a scholar on Islamism: They’re a tool for crushing dissent.
In this 2013 photo, Bangladeshi mourners carry the coffin containing the body of blogger Ahmed Rajib Haider for funeral. AP Photo/Pavel Rahman, File

Conservative Islamic views are gaining ground in secular Bangladesh and curbing freedom of expression

In recent years Bangladesh has seen an increase in attacks on religious minorities. A scholar explains how certain extreme views on how Islam is to be followed are taking center stage in the country.
In an effort to increase tourism, Saudi Arabia recently eased its strict dress code for foreign women, allowing them to go without the body-shrouding abaya robe still mandatory for Saudi women. FAYEZ NURELDINE/AFP via Getty Images

Women in Arab countries find themselves torn between opportunity and tradition

In countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain, it’s now official policy that women should go to college and work outside the home. But cultural pressure to marry and have kids remains strong.

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