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Artículos sobre Learning

Mostrando 301 - 305 de 305 artículos

The Federal government has secured rare uniform cooperation from the states on its early years learning reform. AAP/Paul Miller

The best start in life for the price of a cup of coffee

Would you pay the equivalent of a coffee a day to guarantee a system whereby Australian children got the best start in life? From January this year, the Australian education system is changing its approach…

Students encouraged to draw in science

Students who are allowed to draw to explain science terms are more likely to understand key concepts than those restricted…

Infants learn from labels

Infants hear words that shape their development long before they are able to speak, according a US university researcher…
Trouble holding on to your memories? A bad night’s kip might be to blame. planetchopstick/Flickr

To sleep, perchance to learn

So here it is, another morning. Another day of yawns. Another day of … oh … what was I saying? We all know that if you don’t get a good night’s sleep, you don’t function properly during the day. It could…

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