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Artículos sobre Malaria

Mostrando 221 - 240 de 260 artículos

Zabibu Athumani and her son Abirai Mbaraka Sultani rest under an insecticide-treated bed net at their home. (Bagamoyo, Tanzania, 2011). Gates Foundation

Fighting malaria is going to take more than just nets

In January, the New York Times highlighted how insecticide treated nets meant to protect people from mosquitoes and malaria are now being used to haul fish in Africa. Among those using these nets to catch…
Australian travellers are increasingly returning home infected with mosquito-borne diseases. Flickr:hkroeger28

Don’t let dengue mozzies ruin your World Cup fever

Football fever may not be the only thing spreading when hundreds of thousands of sports fans converge on Brazil for the FIFA World Cup this June and July. Mass events such as the Olympic and Commonwealth…
Matthew Todd was honoured for his work on the Open Source Malaria project. ASAP Awards

Open Source Malaria project head wins Accelerating Science Award

Dr Matthew Todd – leader of the Open Source Malaria consortium in Sydney, senior lecturer at the University of Sydney and Conversation author – was awarded one of three Accelerating Science Awards in Washington…

Malaria link to West African bats

Malaria parasites that infect West African bats are closely related to parasites which are used to model human malaria in…
Stagnant water is found in many towns but help spread malaria. uncultured

Targeting mosquito breeding sites could help fight malaria

As a young civil engineer in the 1950s, my grandfather was posted to Khartoum in the Sudan, tasked with helping to build a new water supply, drains and sewers for the city. Over the years, this system…
It’s not that easy, yet. Gates Foundation

New malaria vaccine the first to offer complete protection

Several vaccines for malaria have been developed over the past few decades, but none offer complete protection. Now, for the first time, US researchers have developed a vaccine that protects 100% of those…
Asylum seeker children who have tried to get to Australia by boat since the PNG agreement was announced will be sent to Manus Island.

FactCheck: can children under seven be sent to Manus Island?

“You cannot send children aged under seven to Manus Island because of the issues of inoculation - you can’t do it.” - Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison, press conference, 21 July. Scott Morrison…
Falciparum malaria parasite carried by mosquitoes might be cerebral but has it been outsmarted? PA/Danny Lawson

New twist in age-old war against malaria parasite

Cerebral malaria, or malaria of the brain, means being deeply unconscious with perpetual cycles of seizures and spasms. It can cause death, or often disability. About 600,000 people suffer this terrible…
Enjoy it while it lasts. DeGust

Fighting malaria requires new diagnostic tools

Malaria hits rural dwellers in poor countries the hardest. Those bitten by the wrong mosquito often do not know for many days that they have contracted malaria. Some have little or no access to doctors…
Mosquito nets can protect at-risk children from malaria. Flickr: YoHandy

Poorest children twice as likely to catch malaria

About half of the world’s population are at risk of contracting malaria. In 2011, there were 26m reported cases and more than 100,000 deaths. Children are especially vulnerable though the disease is both…
Bill Gates is in Australia as part of efforts to secure funds for global health initiatives, particularly polio and malaria eradication. Gates Foundation

Polio eradication efforts need money and political commitment

Global health campaigner Bill Gates is in Sydney today to lobby prime minister Julia Gillard to spend more money on global health, particularly the fight against malaria and polio. But while money may…

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