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Artículos sobre Obesity

Mostrando 741 - 760 de 762 artículos

All hail the humble, healthy potato

Researchers have found that a couple servings of potatoes a day reduces blood pressure almost as much as oatmeal without…
Government policies promoting economic growth have contributed to global crises of overconsumption such as obesity. colros/Flickr

Shaping up: a blueprint to reverse our 40-year weight gain

Obesity has been on the rise for some 40 years and will continue to create an enormous burden on global health systems if governments around the world do not take decisive, policy-driven action, according…
Aside from folate, most pregnant women get all the nutrients they need from a balanced diet. Flickr/Future Street

Explainer: what to eat and avoid during pregnancy

If you’ve ever been pregnant, you’ll know what it’s like to be bombarded with mixed messages from well-meaning friends and family about what you should eat and avoid to protect your growing baby. It can…
Obese people, on average, tend to perform worse than healthy people at planning and goal-oriented work, a literature review found. Flickr/Sculptures by Jurriaan van Hall, photo by Bart van Damme

Study links obesity with poor cognitive performance

Obese people tend to perform worse than healthy people at cognitive tasks like planning ahead, a literature review has found, concluding that psychological techniques used to treat anorexics could help…
Support from the ‘fatosphere’ has inspired some to try things they would not have done before, such as take up swimming. Flickr/jooleeah_stahkey

Study finds fat acceptance blogs can improve health outcomes

“Fat acceptance” blogs urging overweight people to shed negative feelings about their body image can lead to healthier diet and exercise choices, a study has found. The fat acceptance movement, which seeks…
Excessive sitting increases your risk of chronic disease, even if you get enough exercise.

Sitting nine to five (and beyond): the perils of sedentary lifestyles

Whether it’s at work, in cars, watching TV or using the computer, there’s no denying many of us spend the majority of our days sitting. And while science is yet to prove conclusively that too much sitting…
Restricting food intake can trigger a process by which certain brain cells start to consume fats within their cellular structure, a study found. Flickr/dierk schaefer

How hunger makes your brain eat itself

Dieting can cause brain cells to eat themselves, a new study has found. In a paper published by the journal Cell Metabolism, US researchers report that tests on mice revealed that hunger triggers a process…
Adjusting your protein intake can help you lose weight or build muscle mass. Neric Blein

Can protein intake control fat? The weight-loss search continues

For most people, successful weight loss comes down to two things: eating less and exercising more. But new research shows we may have been underestimating the role protein plays in losing weight and building…
Guidelines say no TV for under 2s, then no more than two hours a day. Keenen Brown

Square eyes: how much TV is too much for kids?

If you’ve ever sat your toddler down in front of the television to give yourself a few minutes of much-needed rest, you’re certainly not alone. But for many parents, those few minutes of bliss that come…
Is it time to end our love affair with energy-dense foods? Mild Mannered Photographer

From scraping by to pizza and pie: how protein price drives obesity

For the first time ever, the number of overweight people on Earth outweighs the number that are undernourished. From the obesity crisis flows a cascade of health and social problems: it burdens healthcare…
Psammomys obesus or the Israeli sand rat provides an insight into how the thrifty gene hypothesis may work. Tino Strauss

Explainer: Diabetes and obesity – the biggest epidemic in human history

In the last few decades, the number of people with diabetes has more than doubled globally, making the combination of type 2 diabetes and obesity (known as diabesity) the largest epidemic the world has…

Obesity creates surgical complications

Obese patients are nearly 12 times more likely to suffer a complication after elective plastic surgery, according to Johns…
The number of people smoking daily has dropped but 60% of Australian adults are now overwight or obese, a government study found. Flickr

Over 60% Australian adults now overweight or obese

Over 60% of Australian adults are now overweight or obese, according to a report released today by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. The report, Key indicators of progress for chronic disease…
Keeping weight off is much harder than losing weight in the first instance. AAP

Weighing up the options on obesity

Prevention is the cornerstone of society’s response to the current obesity epidemic. But even if no more people were to gain much more weight, those who are already obese face serious health problems…

Yo-yo dieting may not damage your health

Yo-yo dieters may be healthier and live longer than those who stay obese, a new Ohio University study finds. “If the conventional…

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