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Artículos sobre Poverty

Mostrando 861 - 880 de 895 artículos

Even in an affluent country such as Australia, many people struggle to eat well. Alex Proimos/Flickr

Life below the poverty line: lessons from eating on $2 a day

Global poverty statistics are staggering – 1.2 billion people live in extreme poverty and about 870 million are undernourished – but even in an affluent country such as Australia, many people struggle…
Science incubator with food. EPA

Can science eliminate extreme poverty?

Science has often come to the rescue when it comes to the world’s big problems, be it the Green Revolution that helped avoid mass starvation or the small pox vaccine that eradicated the disease. There…
Child poverty is not going away. Need Not Greed

Scots more likely to blame parents for child poverty

Evidence about poverty is meant to be troubling. The only crumb of comfort for campaigners is that the harsh realities of everyday life portrayed through statistics, imagery and narratives can be the catalyst…
Bangladesh: a melting pot of past, present and future. Saud A Faisal

Women play key role improving health in Bangladesh

Despite low spending on health, a weak health system and widespread poverty, Bangladesh has achieved great strides in life expectancy, vaccination rates, TB control and a child’s chances of surviving past…
Fetch a bucket. Matluba Mukhamedova/World Bank

Water firms’ failure to invest stores up problems

There’s been much debate this past month about Britain’s rising gas and electricity bills. Price hikes have followed utility companies’ reports of massive increases in profits, such as Scottish Power which…
The lower down the pecking order you are, the greater the stresses associated with everyday living, and worse your health. Travis/Flickr

It’s good to be king: how social status affects health

The traditional view of health is a biomedical one – stop people from getting ill by preventing infection and treating disease. But a growing body of research showing that health is the result of social…
An innovative approach to mobility in Uganda. The Advocacy Project

Disabled people in Africa have been marginalised for too long

Disabled people are severely marginalised and among the poorest in developing countries. Having a disability increases the risk of poverty, and being poor also increases the risk of getting a disability…
From the heart: a food bank established last month outside HSBC. Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

Michael Gove and the real picture of poverty in Britain

Michael Gove’s recent suggestion that inadequate financial management skills among poor families are to blame for the increasing demand on food banks has, unsurprisingly, sparked an angry response. Critics…
What is the poverty rate, and are more people poor? AAP Image/Jenny Evans

FactCheck: is poverty on the rise in Australia?

“Politicians will talk a lot about ‘cost of living pressures’ during this election campaign, even though most people are enjoying living standards that are better than ever. However, a growing group of…
Electorally, we are assumed to live in an economy, not a society which protects its most vulnerable members. Flickr/Viewminder

Election 2013 Issues: Australians, one and all?

Welcome to the The Conversation’s Election 2013 State of the Nation essays. These articles by leading experts in their field provide an in-depth look at the key policy challenges affecting Australia as…
Raised aspirations can help Indian sex workers escape poverty. Gates Foundation

Raise aspirations to break the poverty trap

Why do some people get stuck in poverty? Most answers to this question start with the idea that external constraints trap people in poverty. These constraints could take the form of malfunctioning credit…
Most Australians have benefited from the mining boom – except single-parent families who are living in poverty. Image from

One in four children from single-parent families live in poverty

Most Australians have benefited from Australia’s decade-long period of economic prosperity – except for single parents and their children, a new study reveals. The latest release of the Household…
A new study says global poverty is on the way down. EPA/Yahya Arhab

Global poverty is shrinking: study

Global poverty is declining and may be eradicated altogether in some countries in the next 20 years, a new study by the University of Oxford has found. The Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative…

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