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Artículos sobre Poverty

Mostrando 821 - 840 de 895 artículos

A concerted drive to develop the technology sector has transformed Mauritius into a cyber island. Shutterstock

Better connectivity has economic spinoffs for Africa

Increased internet connectivity can spur economic growth throughout Africa. But the continent has a long way to go before it can reap any broadband dividend.
The gulf between the world’s poorest people and the rest of us is, if anything, widening despite global gains in lifting millions out of poverty. Wikimedia Commons/hris1johnson

Global progress on poverty is slowest for the poorest of the poor

Despite progress in lifting people above poverty lines around the world, the picture is bleaker for people at the very bottom of the ladder. They have largely missed out on the gains of recent decades.
New African economic history is challenging earlier wisdom by showing, for example, that railways have had profound effects, both positive and negative on African societies. Reuters/Thomas Mukoya

The renaissance in understanding Africa’s economic past

African economic history has had a renaissance and its most valuable contribution has been to show that Africans have not always been poor, nor are current poverty levels an inevitable destiny.
The MDG for eradicating poverty and hunger has been helped through new high-yielding varieties of rice (right) that can withstand drought in Africa. Reuters/Erik de Castro

The role of science in reaching development goals

Science has had a crucial role in helping to meet the targets of the Millennium Development Goals. But there’s much more to do.
Making a comeback Boston Public Library

Is Newark the next Brooklyn?

The fashionistas aren’t flocking there yet but things are happening in Brick City – especially when it comes to education policy.
The growing inequality that triggered the Occupy protests, such as this one in Bennington, Vermont, is now registering as an issue with politicians at the highest level. Wikimedia Commons/Daniel Case

The growing opportunity gap facing American children

The opportunity gap between well-off and poor American children is vast and, more alarmingly still, it is growing. Some political leaders are starting to take note of the grim consequences.
Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten are united in condemning violence against women and children, but both overlook the young people who are victims too. AAP/Lukas Coch

Sidelined and scorned: young people are set up to be soft targets

Responses to family violence by Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten and the terms of reference for Victoria’s royal commission fail to mention young people. Such a lack of recognition has dire consequences.
The killing of polio workers in Pakistan by the Taliban is a tragic illustration of why no development program can ignore the political problems associated with poverty. EPA/Arshad Arbab

Gates Foundation is too big to ignore the politics of poverty

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s 2015 annual letter outlines their vision for global development and poverty reduction. The letter outlines four areas where they expect breakthroughs over the next…
We need to bear a few things in mind before we listen too closely to Oxfam. Christian Guthier

Oxfam should beware idealistic solutions to complex problems

Oxfam is making what might appear to be a manifestly sound moral case when it urges political leaders at the global economic conference at Davos to adopt particular policies to reduce economic inequality…
Getting the latest. Neil Palmer/CIAT

Will the Millennium Development Goals hit their targets?

At the dawn of the 21st century, 189 UN member states adopted the Millennium Declaration as the first common framework for promoting global development, committing to eight goals (six covering health and…
Bianca Rodriguez, one of nation’s nearly 600,000 homeless at a Chicago underpass. Andrew Nelles/Reuters

Did we lose the War on Poverty?

This year marks the 51st anniversary since Lyndon Johnson launched his War on Poverty and made poverty reduction the centerpiece of his Great Society domestic agenda. Whether we won this war, however…

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