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Artículos sobre Respiratory disease

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 40 artículos

Only one antiviral medication is approved by the FDA for RSV treatment, and it is administered through a nebulizer. BonNontawat/iStock via Getty Images Plus

RSV treatments for young children are lacking, but the record 2022 cold and flu season highlights the urgency for vaccines and other preventive strategies

While RSV can become severe for any child, it poses a particularly serious threat for the youngest babies and for high-risk children.
Higher temperatures cause drought, and can lead to food insecurity. Guido Dingemans, De Eindredactie/GettyImages

Extreme heat hurts human health. Its effects must be mitigated – urgently

Many of the temperatures presently being recorded in Africa, and those projected in the next decade, are already close to the limits of human survival, or “liveability”.

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