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Artículos sobre Social care

Mostrando 81 - 89 de 89 artículos

Lesson is that things need to change, not that we need more film. Kara Newhouse

Proposal for hidden cameras in care homes is misguided

That the Care Quality Commission, the watchdog in charge of health and social care in England, is considering hidden cameras and mystery-shopper exercises in care homes and domiciliary care sounds plausible…
The community can provide more than 15 minutes of care. teaeff

Turn the welfare state on its head to fix social care

It should come as no surprise to anyone that there is a growing crisis in adult social care. Policymakers, practitioners and people using services alike all argue that the current system is fundamentally…
Christina Edkins’ murder was a rare and awful thing. Joe Giddens/PA

The Sun splash missed point on ‘mental patient murders’

1,200 killed by mental patients – shock ten-year toll exposes care crisis The Sun used this apparently shocking statistic this week to blame the criminal justice system for the death of Christina Edkins…
It’s naive to assume neighbourhoods mean communities. RobertHuffstutter

Neighbourhood ‘care’ headed to graveyard of good intention

Neighbourhood watch groups should apply for care status and provide help for older people to counter Britain’s “uncivilised” attitude to pensioners. As well as looking out for potential burglars and keeping…
Getting the green light for NHS treatment - but who pays? Flickr/Martin Kliehm

Distinction between ‘sick’, ‘frail’ and ‘disabled’ has to go

Since the 1940s our welfare state has been built around the assumption that it’s possible to distinguish between people who are “sick” and people who are merely “frail” or “disabled”. While we consider…
Competition and integration in the NHS are chalk and cheese. Flickr/Foomandoonian

Integrating health and social care needs cash as well as talk

Foundation essay: This article on the relationship between health and social care in the UK by Bob Hudson, Professor of Applied Social Science at Durham University, is part of a series marking the launch…
The real problem in care for the elderly is not so much about protection from costs as eligibility for council help. PA/John Stillwell

Capping elderly care costs won’t matter if no-one can qualify

Despite a big overhaul in the way care for the elderly will be funded, there are still fears that it isn’t enough and we’re surely “heading towards disaster”. The government is keen to emphasise the importance…
It’s never easy when someone we’re close to is dying but there are things we can learn from the professionals who deal with this every day. PA/David Cheskin

We need to get over our fear of talking about dying

It’s not always easy to talk to someone who is dying. Conversations about future plans and wishes may appear insensitive and fuelled with great pain and distress when it’s somebody we love. For some, not…
The convictions of Asian sex-grooming gangs have thrown social work into the spotlight. PA/Peter Byrne

Integrated health and social care could help victims of abuse

The conviction of seven men for rape, child prostitution and trafficking in Oxford on Tuesday brings to an end another horrific case of child sexual exploitation. Social services were again in the firing…

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