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Artículos sobre Spiders

Mostrando 21 - 40 de 81 artículos

Insects are an inexpensive and effective way to teach children about science. Ariel Skelley/DigitalVision via Getty Images Plus

Want to teach kids about nature? Insects can help

Insects are plentiful and inexpensive. Even when children aren’t attending school in person, they can learn from the encounters they have with insects outside.
Jumping spiders, like this one, usually have eight eyes: two very large front eyes to get a clear, colour image and judge distance, and extra side eyes to detect when something is moving. Flickr/Thomas Shahan

Curious Kids: why do spiders need so many eyes but we only need two?

Human eyes are very complex and are good at doing many jobs at once, while spiders have different sorts of eyes that do different jobs.
Spider glue is actually a specialized silk protein. Sarah Stellwagen

Spider glue’s sticky secret revealed by new genetic research

The glue that gives spider webs their stickiness is a form of spider silk protein. Researchers can imagine cool uses for a synthetic version – but had to wait for the tricky glue gene to be sequenced.
A palisade trapdoor spider of the new species E. turrificus walks across the rainforest floor near Maleny, Queensland. Jeremy Wilson

Trapdoor spider species that stay local put themselves at risk

Trapdoor spiders that build unique burrows are found only in small areas of Queensland. But they don’t travel very far from their location, and that could put them at risk.
Inside the pupa (or chrysalis), the caterpillar actually turns to liquid as it transforms into a butterfly or moth. Shutterstock

Curious Kids: Do butterflies remember being caterpillars?

Scientists were not sure if an adult butterfly could remember things it learned as a caterpillar. Then a study by a team of US scientists found something very interesting.

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