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Artículos sobre Trump administration

Mostrando 341 - 360 de 794 artículos

As Donald Trump heads to the summit in Singapore with the North Korean leader, a reminder: He’s on record as lying on average nine times a day. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Trump’s relentless lies demand we make truth-telling great again

U.S. President Donald Trump has lied continuously and he will lie again. We should expect more untruths to come out of his summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un.
An illustration called “British Burning Washington” depicting the White House on fire in 1814. U.S. Library of Congress

What Donald Trump doesn’t know about the War of 1812

Donald Trump was under the mistaken impression that Canadians once burned down the White House. But he’s not the only one who has a fuzzy sense of the history of the War of 1812.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with U.S. President Donald Trump in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, D.C. in October 2017. Trump’s tariffs on Canadian aluminum and steel simply reflect a broader U.S. philosophy on international trade, and that doesn’t bode well for Canada. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

How Trump’s tariffs are much bigger than Trump

The underlying problem with Donald Trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminum isn’t Trump. It’s the increasing willingness by the U.S. to impose its will on its neighbours amid rising economic nationalism.
Protesters at a rally on the state of the EPA organized by the American Federation of Government Employees union, April 25, 2018, in Washington, D.C. AP Photo/Alex Brandon

EPA staff say the Trump administration is changing their mission from protecting human health and the environment to protecting industry

Government agencies are supposed to listen to the industries they regulate, but what if they tune out everyone else? Scholars call this regulatory capture, and some staffers see it happening at EPA.
President Donald Trump makes a comment at the White House in March 2018, when he signed proclamations on steel and aluminum imports. Watching as Trump leaves are, from left, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

It’s time to call the bluff on the ‘Bluffer-in-Chief’

Donald Trump’s ‘Art of the Deal’ may be all about talking tough, bluffing and bullying, but as any poker player knows, there comes a time to call a bluff. If there ever was such a time, this is it.

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