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Artículos sobre UKIP

Mostrando 121 - 140 de 183 artículos

So I’m just going to lie down here and you call me when it’s over. Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

It’s surprisingly easy to oust David Cameron

Much speculation has surrounded Ed Miliband’s position as Labour leader since word of a campaign against him has spread. But less attention has been focused on David Cameron’s position as Conservative…
Did he just say he agrees with Natalie? Gareth Fuller/PA

Without the Green Party, we won’t get a real debate

A YouGov poll showing the Green Party has more support than the Liberal Democrats raises yet more questions as to why the party is being excluded from a planned series of debates ahead of next year’s election…
Divided we fall: a Catalonian independence rally. Ivan McClellan via Wikimedia Commons

As anti-globalisation politics fail, nationalism sweeps the world

After decades of deepening globalisation and interconnection, movements championing national identity and power are sweeping the globe. Breakaway regions, independence referendums, and campaigns for stronger…
Face it: Labour is in serious trouble. Peter Byrne/PA Wire

A harsher immigration stance won’t save Labour from UKIP

It is still too early to say whether the leader of UKIP, Nigel Farage, will manage to deliver the earthquake to British politics that he has promised. But judging by the panic gripping the Labour front…
By the skin of their teeth: Ed Miliband and Liz McInnes. Lynne Cameron/PA Wire

Humiliated party leaders still can’t deal with the UKIP threat

“Something big is happening here.” Those were the words of Nigel Farage following the news that Douglas Carswell had become UKIP’s first member of parliament by attracting 21,113 votes in the Clacton by-election…
Swivel eyes on the prize. Chris Radburn/PA Wire

Two by-elections, one winner: the rise and rise of UKIP

The results of the by-elections that have just taken place in Clacton and Heywood and Middleton are virtually impossible to spin for either the Conservatives or Labour. Predictably, each side of Britain’s…
“Just as long as we don’t have to call it The Nicola and David Show.” Andrew Milligan/PA

Could the Scottish National Party join the next UK government?

After the 2010 UK election, some individuals urged Labour to try to form a rainbow-style coalition with the smaller parties in the House of Commons. According to the maths, several potential groupings…
Someone needs to catch up on their polling. Joe Giddens/PA Wire

Is a vote for UKIP really a vote for Labour?

In his speech at the Conservative party conference David Cameron claimed that a vote for UKIP is a vote for Labour, an argument likely to be heard with greater frequency as the general election approaches…
Making plans with Nigel. Gareth Fuller/PA Wire

Farage squares up to Labour in bid to broaden UKIP vote

Nigel Farage entered Doncaster racecourse to give the first of two speeches to the UKIP annual conference against a backdrop of Olympics-style inspirational house music. The soundtrack was appropriate…

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