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Artículos sobre UKIP

Mostrando 101 - 120 de 183 artículos

Voters are packing their bags and leaving the middle ground. Rawpixel/Shutterstock

Playing it safe could make Labour and Tories sorry

The current predictions for the 2015 election place Conservatives and Labour neck and neck with projections of around 280 seats each. The most likely outcome of the general election would seem to be another…
A vote for grammar schools and no university fees for science and medical students. Nick Ansell/PA Wire

What education policy would look like under UKIP

Until now, the policies of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) have been symbolic rather than substantive. Policy statements by the party’s leader, Nigel Farage, have been designed to build a populist support…
Poll results worth drinking to. Steve Parsons/PA Wire

As election campaign kicks off, UKIP is setting the agenda

At the launch of Labour’s election campaign in Manchester, Ed Miliband accused the prime minister, David Cameron, of playing “risky and irresponsible games” with the EU. Exit, he argued, would be a “dramatic…
Time to take a chance on the European model? De rödgröna/Wikimedia Commons

UKIP is Britain’s most European party – no, really

Don’t tell them this, but UKIP are the most European party out there. Britain’s democracy is increasingly diverse and complex, and with the growth of UKIP on the right and the Greens on the left its political…
Nothing if not consistent? The Media Blog

Hard Evidence: how has press coverage of immigration changed?

The British press has been accused of many things in recent years, most of them bad, but how can we measure performance in coverage of a particular subject such as immigration, and how is this changing…
Murray is offering a British moon on a British stick. Joel Ryan/AP/Press Association Images

Could the Pub Landlord really call time on Nigel Farage?

There is much to ponder about comedian Al Murray’s decision to run in the British general election. Murray – as his Pub Landlord character – will stand against UKIP’s Nigel Farage in the constituency of…
If you stay very still, it can’t see you. Oli Scarff/PA Archive

2014: the year the old guard woke up to multi-party politics

Psephologists have been warning for decades now that multi-party politics is on the rise in the UK, but for most of the time they have been ignored. Everything changed in 2014 though, and the old guard…
Say it loud, say it clear. Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

Labour has fumbled immigration – but there may be a way out

Ed Miliband has admitted that Labour is “on a journey” when it comes to immigration. He has promised that his party “will never again turn our backs on people who are worried about immigration” but also…
They’re everywhere! Peter Byrne/PA Wire

UKIP isn’t the only party failing women

UKIP has not had a good week when it comes to women. Nigel Farage kicked things off by suggesting that mothers should think twice about breastfeeding in public, managing to offend a rather large proportion…
Andreas Scheuer, secretary general of the German party considering proposals for make migrants speak German at home and in public. Sven Hoppe/EPA

Bid to force immigrants to speak German in their homes won’t help integration

A proposal in Germany to make all migrants speak German in public and at home has ignited a heated debate about immigration and language. The proposals come from the German Christlich-Soziale Union (CSU…
Have walkies policies won over the canine community? Gareth Fuller/PA Wire

Bye bye swivel eyes: how UKIP transformed to woo the masses

As UKIP makes parliamentary gains at every turn, it no longer seems possible to dismiss the party as a group of anti-EU obsessives that has little in common with mainstream politics. The days of the swivel-eyed…
‘No, you love Juncker more.’ Paul Rogers/PA

Labour and the Lib Dems are crashing the Eurosceptic party

As prime minister David Cameron works on the finishing touches of his much-awaited speech on Europe and immigration he is under considerable pressure from his backbenchers and some frontbenchers to signal…

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