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Artículos sobre Uranium

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 55 artículos

A cascade of gas centrifuges at a U.S. enrichment plant in Piketon, Ohio, in 1984. Iran is using similar technology to enrich uranium. U.S. Department of Energy

Enriching uranium is the key factor in how quickly Iran could produce a nuclear weapon – here’s where it stands today

Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons centers on producing weapons-grade uranium. Here’s what reports about Iran enriching uranium indicate about its progress toward the bomb.
Manufacturing a 300-ton nuclear reactor pressure vessel at a factory in Volgodonsk, Russia. Pallava Bagla/Corbis via Getty Images

Russia’s energy clout doesn’t just come from oil and gas – it’s also a key nuclear supplier

Russia isn’t a major producer of uranium, but it handles a large share of the steps that turn it into nuclear fuel. That makes it a major player in this globalized industry.
The beach at Port Radium, where uranium ore used to be loaded onto barges for shipment. The townsite for the mine used to stand on the pit of land on the right. CP PHOTO/Bob Weber

Legacy of Canada’s role in atomic bomb is felt by northern Indigenous community

Seventy-five years after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the people of Délı̨nę remain affected by Canada’s role in the attack. A documentary presents their stories.

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