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Artículos sobre Vaccines

Mostrando 741 - 760 de 789 artículos

This would be the ideal way to fight HIV. europedistrict

Research may be beating HIV, but vaccine remains a way off

Three decades since the onset of the infection in a global population, HIV care and treatment is looking very different. Given the difficulties involved, it is remarkable that having developed good treatments…
Anthrax in the mail can be deadly. Belga Photo/Yves Boucau

Ten-year research reveals new leads for anthrax vaccine

Anthrax occupies a special role as a feared and potentially lethal disease, but the culmination of a ten-year research project has identified a section of its toxin that could produce an effective new…

DIY flu vaccine takes form of painless patch

A painless do-it-yourself injection device may make the flu vaccine more popular, research shows. The patch contains a micro-needle…
A little bit of pain is a worthwhile price for child health and community well-being. Sarah Gilbert

Vaccinations are a vital part of ethical ‘alternative’ lifestyles

Often cited as one of the most important medical breakthroughs in human history, immunisation has been a hallmark of public health interventions for more than 200 years. Globally, an estimated 2.5 million…
There’s no vaccine against persistent attacks on scientific evidence.

Climate and vaccine deniers are the same: beyond persuasion

Governments are worried. Vaccination rates are falling under the influence of a campaign of misinformation by a small minority of fanatics. Scientifically there is no debate about immunisation, with every…
It’s not that easy, yet. Gates Foundation

New malaria vaccine the first to offer complete protection

Several vaccines for malaria have been developed over the past few decades, but none offer complete protection. Now, for the first time, US researchers have developed a vaccine that protects 100% of those…
Asylum seeker children who have tried to get to Australia by boat since the PNG agreement was announced will be sent to Manus Island.

FactCheck: can children under seven be sent to Manus Island?

“You cannot send children aged under seven to Manus Island because of the issues of inoculation - you can’t do it.” - Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison, press conference, 21 July. Scott Morrison…
The benefits of the human papillomavirus vaccine far outweigh risks. VCU CNS/Flickr

Four things you should know about HPV vaccinations

The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine has attracted attention in the past week for two contradictory reasons: the Japanese government has withdrawn its recommendation for the shot, while public health…

A view on: vaccination myths

In recent years there’s been growing debate around the safety of vaccinations – but how much of this is based on untruths? In the latest collaboration between SBS and The Conversation, Dr Rachael Dunlop…
The rate of young children contracting pneumococcal disease has plunged since the introduction of universal vaccination against the disease in 2005.

Pneumococcal rates plunge after widespread vaccination of infants

The number of young children contracting the most common strains of potentially fatal pneumococcal disease has plummeted 97% since the universal vaccination against this bacterial disease began in 2005…
Flu jabs made faster. Leave patients happier. Make fighting pandemics easier. ekigyuu

‘Clone by phone’ means faster vaccine preparation

The 2009 influenza pandemic prompted the fastest effort in history to develop a vaccine. Within six months of the pandemic declaration, vaccine-makers had developed, produced and distributed hundreds of…
Advances are being made towards a HIV cure but with 34 million affected worldwide there’s still a lot of work to be done to help manage it. Wikimedia Commons/C Goldsmith

HIV cure: scientific reality or media hype?

Until a few years ago there was no talk of curing HIV. Research focused on making anti-HIV drugs better, trying to find a vaccine or understanding why they didn’t seem to be working. Another area was public…

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