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Artículos sobre Working mothers

Mostrando 21 - 33 de 33 artículos

Freeze your eggs or free your career? Woman via g-stockstudio/Shutterstock

Babies in your 30s? Don’t worry, your great-grandma did it too

The shift towards late motherhood – commonly defined as motherhood after 35 – is often presented as a story of progress and technological liberation from the biological clock. The narrative goes something…
Helping hands. Mother and child via Nadezhda1906/Shutterstock

Free education for poor mums may help alleviate child poverty

Improve the school results of children from poor backgrounds and they will escape poverty in adulthood. This is the way the UK government believes it can alleviate child poverty, built on a belief in the…
Subsidies for nannies could help retain skilled women in the workforce, but isn’t without pitfalls. AAP

Tax Forum: should nannies for high income women be subsidised?

Some very well-paid women want to use the Tax Forum to press the government to substantially subsidise the costs of nannies by allowing their costs to be tax deductible. They claim this is essential to…

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