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Queensland University of Technology

Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is an Australian university with an emphasis on real-world courses and applied research. Based in Brisbane with strong global connections, it has 40,000 students, including 6,000 from overseas.


Displaying 321 - 340 of 1537 articles

Buffel grass surrounding Hakea divaricata, a bushfood and medicine tree. Ellen Ryan-Colton

The buffel kerfuffle: how one species quietly destroys native wildlife and cultural sites in arid Australia

Buffel grass causes just as much damage to native wildlife as feral cats. But with the right control measures, biodiversity can bounce back.
Mikaela Nordborg/Australian Institute of Marine Science

Gene editing is revealing how corals respond to warming waters. It could transform how we manage our reefs

New research involving CRISPR technology has furthered our understanding of corals’ gene functions. Specifically, it has revealed a mechanism underpinning how corals withstand heat stress.
Twitter screenshots/Unsplash

3.2 billion images and 720,000 hours of video are shared online daily. Can you sort real from fake?

In an age of democracy via social media, platforms are struggling to combat visual mis/disinformation such as ‘spliced’ images and deepfakes. Digital media literacy has never been so important.

How COVID all but killed the Australian CBD

City by city, the data on CBD visitors vary with the severity of COVID-19 outbreaks and restrictions. But none of the CBDs has recovered former activity levels, and some might never fully recover.
CRISPR-Cas9 : un outil de manipulation génétique. NIH Image Gallery / Flickr

CRISPR : un prix Nobel pour une révolution en biologie

Le prix Nobel de chimie 2020 a été attribué à la Française Emmanuelle Charpentier et l’Américaine Jennifer Doudna pour leurs travaux sur les ciseaux moléculaires.


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