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Articles on Cognitive function

Displaying 1 - 20 of 47 articles

Owl chronotypes function better at night, while lark chronotypes are more energized in the morning. The Photo Matrix/Moment, nomis_g/iStock via Getty Images Plus

What’s your chronotype? Knowing whether you’re a night owl or an early bird could help you do better on tests and avoid scams

Synchronizing your daily activities to your circadian rhythm could help you improve your performance on a variety of cognitive tasks − and even influence diagnosis of cognitive disorders.
A cup of coffee might provide you some pep, but it won’t fully make up for lost sleep. nopponpat/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Can coffee or a nap make up for sleep deprivation? A psychologist explains why there’s no substitute for shut-eye

While a cup of joe or a brief nap during an all-nighter might help you feel a little more alert, it won’t offset cognitive impairments from sleep deprivation when you’re performing complex tasks.
A class of inhibitory neurons can make long-distance connections across both hemispheres of the brain. akinbostanci/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Cognitive flexibility is essential to navigating a changing world – new research in mice shows how your brain learns new rules

Learning new rules requires the suppression of old ones. A better understanding of the brain circuits involved in behavioral adaptation could lead to new ways to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Symptoms of long COVID-19 include fatigue, shortness of breath and cognitive issues. Morsa Images/Digital Vision via Getty Images

Long COVID stemmed from mild cases of COVID-19 in most people, according to a new multicountry study

While there are still far more questions than answers about long COVID-19, researchers are beginning to get a clearer picture of the health and economic consequences of the condition.

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