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Linguistics – Analysis and Comment

Go ahead, just let off some steam. 'Swearing' via

Do we swear too much?

With the taboo on swearing loosening over the past few decades, will profanity lose its effectiveness in spoken language?
Our relationships, desires, anxieties are reflected in the way we communicate. from

Words stripped of meaning: a guide to linguistic spam

A “passion” was once thought of as a love or desire so irresistible as to take one to the threshold of death. What are we to make, then, of a passion for innovation or management consulting? What’s happening to our words?
The great potato cake/scallop/fritter divide. Rosey Billington, Lauren Gawne, Kathleen Jepson, and Jill Vaughan 'Mapping words around Australia' (

Togs or swimmers? Why Australians use different words to describe the same things

Australian’s care so much about regional differences in words because it’s a reflection on a person’s identity.