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Articles on Productivity

Displaying 61 - 80 of 256 articles

Wes Mountain/The Conversation

Top economists say cutting immigration is no way to boost wages

Only five of the 56 economists surveyed believed lower immigration would boost wage growth. The rest backed measures to lift productivity and investment and changes that boosted the power of unions.
What employees and employers want to retain from home working post-COVID may not always be compatible. Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

Why we need to hear more voices on what work should look like post-COVID

What we want from our working environment in future needs to be explored now so that the needs of employees and employers are equally and fairly considered.
About one-third of Canada’s workforce are also caregivers, most often to aging parents or parents-in-law. (Shutterstock)

COVID-19’s silver lining? Creating a caregiver-friendly work culture

Changes to working life created by COVID-19 give employers an opportunity to embrace a caregiver-friendly work culture, supporting the millions of Canadians who juggle employment and informal caring.

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