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Articles on Work

Displaying 61 - 80 of 539 articles

The modern workplace is no stranger to political tensions, differing viewpoints and interpersonal conflicts. (Shutterstock)

Workplace tensions: How and when bystanders can make a difference

The essence of bystander intervention is not just about stopping a negative act, but also about fostering an environment where respect, growth and collaboration thrive.
Current research suggests it’s time to re-evaluate existing pay structures and prioritize worker health and safety. (Shutterstock)

Beyond the paycheck: The key to building a thriving workplace goes beyond salaries

Traditional pay structures — like wage gaps, pay-for-performance systems, the belief that time equals money and pay secrecy — are stopping organizations from reaching their goals and thriving.
If public health bodies and policymakers put greater focus on improving the work environment, it could achieve major gains in population health and reduce health inequities. (Shutterstock)

The impact of work on well-being: 6 factors that will affect the future of work and health inequalities

The work environment is a social determinant of health. However, work has been underused as a lever to address health inequalities.
Many countries adopt legislation to prevent discrimination against people with disabilities. Yet, many still face challenges finding work. (Shutterstock)

How employers can tackle misconceptions about disabled people in the workplace

Communities and employers miss out when they don’t embrace disabled employees. Companies must be supportive and proactive about including and accommodating people with disabilities.
Drivers that juggle driving with another job were more likely to run red lights and carry weapons, such as knives, for safety reasons. These behaviours pose risks not only to drivers, but also to the public. (Paul Hanaoka/Unsplash)

Safety on the line: Drivers who juggle multiple jobs are more likely to take risks on the road

Companies like Uber and Lyft have a long way to go in improving worker safety to ensure both drivers and passengers feel safe on the road.
There is hope that social media can breathe new life into the labour movement. (Shutterstock)

Social media is a double-edged sword for the public image of Canadian labour unions

While the digital landscape offers opportunities for unions to engage and mobilize supporters, it also presents challenges, including the risk of being marginalized in the vast online world.
Striking port workers from the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Canada gather at a rally in Vancouver in July 2023. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ethan Cairns

Striking a balance: How the law regulates picket lines

When it comes to picket lines, courts aim to uphold civil and property rights without jeopardizing workers’ freedom of expression.

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