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Harvey Keitel in Reservoir Dogs (1992). Live Entertainment

Explainer: the rules for shooting on film sets

The death of a stuntman while filming a music video in Brisbane has thrown a spotlight on film set safety. Licensed armourers follow strict safety procedures while filming - but firing blanks can still be dangerous.
The number of children with flat head has risen in recent years in part due to SIDS guidelines, which recommend placing babies on their backs to sleep. from

Do you need to worry if your baby has a flat head?

Parents who notice their child has a flat head should talk to a GP or specialist to see if any treatment is needed.
According to the World Health Organisation, antimicrobial resistance is now at crisis point. from

Recent death from resistant bug won’t be the last

The US Centers for Disease Control has reported a woman in her 70s has died of overwhelming sepsis caused by a bacterium that was resistant to all available antibiotics.
Police across Victoria made it clear that family violence was considered to be ‘different’ to the primary investigative mandate of their work. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

More police won’t necessarily lead to better outcomes on family violence – here’s what we need

Police remain critical in the effort to tackling family violence in all its forms. But more than just a commitment to extra police and training is needed to improve outcomes for victim-survivors.
We experience lots of changes in our body as we age, and our eyes and ears are no exception. Unfortunately this toys with our senses. from

Why we lose our hearing and vision as we age

Changes to our eyes and ears occur as a result of disease, genetic factors, “wear and tear” and environmental factors.
Children representing the diversity of contemporary multicultural Australia stand near a sign depicting an ‘idealised’ white Australia. Blackwood Recreation Centre, South Australia, 2015. Photo: C. Smith

The markers of everyday racism in Australia

How might an Aboriginal person in the Northern Territory experience racism? There are many material signs that can make a person feel excluded from society.
Older people are more likely to have falls as their balance and muscle strength usually isn’t what it was. from

Why older people get osteoporosis and have falls

In 2012 the total cost of poor bone health in adults aged over 50 years was A$2.75 billion, and 64% of this cost was the direct cost associated with treating and managing fractures.
Gifted children can benefit from being grouped together in specialist schools or classes. from

Should gifted students go to a separate school?

Failing to provide an appropriate education for students who are gifted increases the risk of mental health issues, boredom, frustration, and behavioural problems.
Pro-Donald Trump bots worked to sway public opinion in the US election by secretly taking over pro-Hillary Clinton hashtags and spreading fake news stories. Reuters/Lucas Jackson

Bots without borders: how anonymous accounts hijack political debate

Bots have not just been used in the US, but also in Australia, the UK, Germany, Syria and China. To what extent – and how – are they affecting political discourse?
NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian needs to shed the Treasury view of housing construction as a silver bullet and back former premier Mike Baird’s social and affordable housing program. Nikki Short/AAP

If you’re serious about affordable Sydney housing, Premier, here’s a must-do list

The new NSW premier is right to identify housing affordability as a priority for the people and economy of Sydney. It’s not just housing supply that’s the problem – action is needed on many fronts.