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Why do vigilante groups in Indonesia get away with harassing and threatening leftists? Courtesy of Belok Kiri Festival

Understanding violence against the left in Indonesia

Non-state actors in Indonesia use violence and intimidation against a critical civil society as a means for the political and business elites to maintain wealth and power.
Continued development of our cities is putting pressure on urban green spaces. AAP/David Crosling

Does higher-density city development leave urban forests out on a limb?

Achieving green cities will require more than just canopy cover targets and central city strategies. It will need new approaches to urban planning and development.
Chinese businesses are unsure about how import duties will be applied, and so removed some imported products. Michael Reynolds/AAP

China’s e-commerce laws not a ‘crackdown’ but closing a loophole

China’s newly introduced “e-commerce laws” are actually just closing a loophole in regulation and shouldn’t be seen feared by Australian businesses trading with the country online.
Central to Sydney’s congestion problem is the journey-to-work rat race in the city’s western suburbs like Blacktown. AAP/Dean Lewins

If the people can’t get to their jobs, bring the jobs to the people

Sydney, as a whole, is lurching toward an urban structure where its transportation problems are impossible to solve. The only alternative is to create new centres of employment.
A harsh criminal justice system – in particular, more prisons and people behind bars – has apparently become a hallmark of good government. AAP/Dave Hunt

How ‘tough on crime’ politics flouts death-in-custody recommendations

Australia has become less compassionate, more punitive and more ready to blame individuals for their alleged failings since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.
Could killer robots like Maximilian from the 1979 film Black Hole become reality? Walt Disney Productions

Australia should take a stand against ‘killer robots’

We need to ban lethal autonomous weapons, or “killer robots”, as we have done with biological weapons, land mines and blinding lasers, and Australia should take a leading role in making that happen.
The basic art for the new Australian five dollar note, to be released in September, is creating controversy. Reserve Bank of Australia/AAP

Our punk, jarring five dollar note: so bad it’s good or just bad?

The Reserve Bank of Australia has announced a new five dollar note, to great general derision. The Australian Mint has a proud history of excellent design, so why is this new note so wrong?
Pope Francis exhorts the faithful to accompany each other on their life journey, and help each other be free in love. Reuters/Alessandro Bianchi

Pope Francis and The Joy of Love in a merciful church

In his new exhortation, Pope Francis issues the Catholic Church and its followers a bold challenge: to live God’s mercy more authentically.
Alpha Centauri is actually the outer star (bottom right) of The Pointers, which point to the Southern Cross. Y. Beletsky (LCO)/ESO

Is Alpha Centauri the right place to search for life elsewhere?

A US$100-million plan has been announced to send tiny probes out in space in search of life elsewhere in the universe. But are they looking in the right place?