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Beyonce’s new activewear clothing line, Ivy Park, is selling consumers a better lifestyle. Screenshot from promotional video.

Beyoncé and the cultural lure of sweat

Activewear is a booming industry and Beyoncé is the latest celebrity to launch a new line of fitness apparel. But there is a difference between looking gym-ready and being active.
The physiological response to sex is similar to that of exercise. from

Health Check: does sex count as exercise?

Sex can often be a pleasurable experience. But it also has benefits some reports have compared to those of exercise. So can sex really count as a workout?
Tony Abbott can rest assured he has made a lasting contribution to Australia’s future. Lukas Coch/AAP

Tony Abbott’s great big budget legacy

Tony Abbott spent just shy of two years as Prime Minister, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t leave a lasting legacy.
The Northern Corroboree frog is among seven species at grave risk from fungal disease. Michael McFadden

Frogs v fungus: time is running out to save seven unique species from disease

Chytrid fungus has already wiped out six species of Australian frogs since the disease arrived in the 1970s. Without urgent action, seven more are facing extinction.
Crewed submarines like the HMAS Rankin might become a thing of the past. United States Navy, Photographer's Mate 1st Class David A. Levy

Could robot submarines replace the ageing Collins class?

Autonomous submarines might do for naval warfare what drones are doing for air warfare. So should Australia consider autonomous subs as a replacement for the Collins class?
Australia’s 2016 Eurovision contestant Dami Im performing with Conchita and Guy Sebastian in Sydney earlier this year. SBS

How ‘Asiavision’ could be a boon for cultural diplomacy

Australia has struggled to forge cultural ties with the Asia-Pacific region. But SBS’s deal to develop an Asian Eurovision could change this - there is more to the event than music, costume reveals and wind machines.
Former French sex worker Rosen Hicher, centre, who marched 800km to raise awareness of the Nordic Model. Patrice Pierrot/AAP

Sex trade survivors deserve the chance to speak

A conference highlighting the oppression of sex work was held in Melbourne over the weekend. But online protesters campaigned against the event, targeting the university hosting it.
When public housing like the properties in Sydney’s Millers Point is privatised, it profoundly changes the social mix of the inner city to something much more homogenous. AAP/Newzulu/Peter Boyle

Suburbanising the centre: the Baird government’s anti-urban agenda for Sydney

The NSW government agenda would deny the ‘right to the city’, that network of diverse communities, practices and places which give rise to the convivial and inclusive potential of cities.