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Five handicapped Jewish prisoners, photographed for propaganda purposes, who arrived in Buchenwald after Kristallnacht. Holocaust Memorial Museum/Photograph #13132

Disabled people were Holocaust victims, too: they were excluded from German society and murdered by Nazi programs

In 2023, International Holocaust Remembrance Day marks 90 years since the Nazis assumed power. Disabled people were the first Holocaust victims; Nazi programs discriminated against and murdered them.
Counterfactuals are claims about what would happen, were something to occur in a different way. For instance, we can ask what the world would be like had the internet never been developed. Shutterstock

Philosophers have studied ‘counterfactuals’ for decades. Will they help us unlock the mysteries of AI?

AI models are increasingly being used to make important decision about people’s lives – just take Robodebt. Yet the complexity of these systems means we hardly understand them.