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Climate change – Analysis and Comment

Government policies sparked rapid growth and technology innovation in solar energy, wind energy and battery markets. Michael Hall/Getty Images

Technology innovation gives government leverage to drive down emissions fast – here’s how

Technology innovation is one of the Biden administration’s most powerful tools for accelerating progress on climate change. Recent successes in renewable energy and batteries show how this can work.
The Paraná basin in Brazil provides evidence that one of the world’s largest super-eruptions did not cause a mass extinction. (Shutterstock)

Huge volcanic eruption didn’t cause climate change and mass extinction 140 million years ago

Huge volcanic eruptions were once believed to be the cause of mass extinctions on Earth. However, new research has found that super eruptions did not necessarily result in mass extinctions.
The Supreme Court of Canada rejected the request to strike down national carbon pricing. The plan is key to reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

What the Supreme Court ruling on national carbon pricing means for the fight against climate change

In its decision, the Supreme Court of Canada recognized the gravity of climate change and upheld the idea that Parliament has the authority to act on matters of “peace, order and good government.”
Residents of the Jacob Riis Settlement in New York City hold photographs of leaks, mold, peeling paint and other issues during a community town hall meeting on March 7, 2019. AP Photo/Kathy Willens

How to improve public health, the environment and racial equity all at once: Upgrade low-income housing

Building retrofits are no joke: They make dwellings healthier and more energy-efficient. And when they’re done in low-income housing, they also reduce inequality.