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Climate change – Analysis and Comment

Supporters wave signs during an anti-carbon tax rally in Calgary in October 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh

Why Alberta would be foolish to abandon carbon policy

Given Alberta’s innovative spirit and its emissions-reducing results, is this a time for the province to turn its back on carbon policy and tarnish its reputation in a world transitioning to lower carbon?
The Korle Gono beach in Accra covered in plastic bottles and other items washed ashore following weeks of heavy flooding in 2016. EPA/Christian Thompson

How everyday politics shapes the way African cities are run

Focusing on everyday politics can help explain why powerful interest groups undermine policies that might improve the public good.
How do people respond to media coverage of weather influenced by climate change? AP Photo/Andy Newman

Extreme weather news may not change climate change skeptics’ minds

Media reports are starting to directly connect climate change to its weather effects in local communities. But how you respond to those linkages depends on what you already think about climate change.
These photovoltaics panels provide this village with energy now, but they could become obsolete when the main grid arrives. (Shutterstock)

The future of renewable infrastructure is uncertain without good planning

Small-scale renewable energy projects can power rural areas not connected to the main grid. But investors may hesitate if future electrification remains unpredictable.