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Climate change – Analysis and Comment

Flood waters cover large tracts of land in Mozambique after cyclone Idai made landfall. Rapidly rising floodwaters have cut off thousands of families from aid organizations. (World Food Programme via AP)

Hurricanes to deliver a bigger punch to coasts

Climate change is making hurricanes more destructive, and may have boosted the intensity of cyclone Idai that hit Mozambique, Zambia and Malawi.
A regenerating stand of rainforest in northern Costa Rica. Matthew Fagan

Restoring tropical forests isn’t meaningful if those forests only stand for 10 or 20 years

Many nations are restoring degraded tropical forests to slow climate change, protect endangered species and improve rural life. But those forests often are cleared again soon afterward.
Why would striking students end up in the ‘dole’ queue’ when they’re seeking to understand a global issue, taking action and clearly articulating their perspective? Julien De Rosa/AAP

Students striking for climate action are showing the exact skills employers look for

When politicians caution against student strikes for climate action, they are going against the aims of Australia’s curriculum to develop citizens with a social conscience, willing to take action.
Students march through the University of NSW in Sydney calling on the university to divest from fossil fuels. AAP/Danny Casey

Young voters may hold the key to the NSW state election: here’s why

There are more than 1.3 million young Australian voters in NSW, but they feel excluded from traditional politics. To win the youth vote, politicians must address the key issues that matter to them.
About 100 homes in Angus, Ont. were damaged by a tornado in June 2014. Ten lost their roofs and had to be demolished. Gregory Alan Kopp, Western University

As climate changes, the way we build homes must change too

Weather-related catastrophic events have cost Canadians more than $17 billion in the past decade. That only stands to grow, unless building codes change to make homes more resilient.
A 1 kilowatt solar PV panel can save about 1.4 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year. Stepan Franko/AAP

How to neutralise your greenhouse gas footprint

By investing in solar panels and going electric for your motoring and heating, you can directly offset your greenhouse emissions. And in the long run, the upfront costs will repay themselves.
Without significant tree cover, dry and dusty landscapes can result. Don Driscoll

To reduce fire risk and meet climate targets, over 300 scientists call for stronger land clearing laws

A new petition is urging state and federal governments to rein in Australia’s rampant land clearing, which worsens the risk of bushfires and threatens to undo the work of the Emissions Reduction Fund.