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Climate change – Analysis and Comment

Rock Hills Ranch in South Dakota uses managed grazing techniques to maintain healthy, diverse plant communities in its pastures. Lars Ploughmann

Regenerative agriculture can make farmers stewards of the land again

US agriculture is dominated by large farms that rely on chemical inputs. In contrast, regenerative farming makes land and water healthier by mimicking nature instead of trying to control it.
The benefits of beans, lentils and other pulses go beyond the belly. (Shutterstock)

Benefits of pulses: Good for you and the planet

Today’s production of more, better food from the same amount land means that tomorrow’s population may not go hungry.
Shark Bay was hit by a brutal marine heatwave in 2011. W. Bulach/Wikimedia Commons

Shark Bay: A World Heritage Site at catastrophic risk

Everyone knows the Great Barrier Reef is in peril. But a continent away, Western Australia’s Shark Bay is also threatened by marine heatwaves that could alter this World Heritage ecosystem forever.
Many parts of Africa suffer from food insecurity. Here, women and children wait to be registered before a food distribution. REUTERS/Siegfried Modola

I fight anti-GMO fears in Africa to combat hunger

Predictions suggest that Africa will suffer dramatic losses of crops and productive land as the climate warms. Perhaps adopting GM crops designed to tolerate stress can save the continent from famine.
U.S. President Donald Trump is seen visiting the California town of Paradise that was devastated by forest fires. Trump has threatened to use funds allocated for disaster relief to pay for his border wall. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Disasters and disagreements: Climate change collides with Trump’s border wall

Donald Trump has threatened to use funds allocated for disaster relief to fund his border wall. It’s time to rethink how we frame disasters to stop politicians from using them for political gain.
A dry river bed in south Australia. (Shutterstock)

How drought affects freshwater fish

Freshwater fish are suffering as drought becomes more common and severe. Whether they survive will depend on how governments manage rivers and lakes, and on taking action against climate change.
Wetlands are feeding, nesting and breeding sites for migratory birds, such as these sandhill cranes in Minnesota. USFWS/Kris Spaeth

What good are wetlands? 5 essential reads

The Trump administration is sharply reducing environmental protection for wetlands and streams across the US. This roundup of stories spotlights the many benefits that such water bodies provide.
Lochiel Park in Adelaide was Australia’s first large-scale attempt to create homes that use near net zero energy. Stephen Berry

When the heat hits: how to make our homes comfortable without cranking up the aircon

Air conditioning changed both building design and people’s active management of home temperatures. A return to houses designed for our climate can keep us comfortable and cut energy use and emissions.
The Soybean Free Air Concentration Enrichment (SoyFACE) research facility at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Claire Benjamin/RIPE Project

Together, more heat and more carbon dioxide may not alter quantity or nutritional quality of crops

Many researchers have studied the impact of carbon dioxide and heat on crop growth inside greenhouses. But what happens in the real world? One team has just done this and the results are surprising.