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Articles on CRISPR

Displaying 41 - 60 of 120 articles

Scientists are using gene editing to make better cancer treatments. Lightspring/

How gene-edited white blood cells are helping fight cancer

In a new study, a team of US scientists have used gene editing to change the genetic code of white blood cells and transform them into more efficient tumor fighting cells. How did they do it?
CRISPR has many applications, including targeted gene therapy, but the precision of the technology still has a way to go. Shutterstock

Gene editing needs to become more precise to live up to its promise

CRISPR technology is continually improving to make it more specific, but serious consideration should be given to when and how CRISPR is safe for gene editing.
Venom from box jellyfish causes extreme pain and tissue damage. Massive exposure can cause death. from

How we used CRISPR to narrow in on a possible antidote to box jellyfish venom

Box jellyfish stings are excruciating and occasionally deadly. We have identified a common, cheap drug that is already on the market and which could be a treatment candidate with further development.
Experts have called for a moratorium on clinical research with CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing. of the germline — that is changing heritable DNA in sperm, eggs or embryos to make genetically modified children. (Shutterstock)

CRISPR gene editing: Why we need Slow Science

CRISPR gene editing should learn from the Slow Food movement. Scientists must allow time for critical conversations and perfecting of techniques before rewriting the source code of humanity.
CRISPR is a gene editing tool that can create permanent changes in the human genome. from

Experts call for halt to CRISPR editing that allows gene changes to pass on to children

Four months ago a researcher claimed he had used the tool CRISPR to edit the genomes of twin girls. Now prominent researchers and ethicists are calling for a temporary halt to this sort of work.
Cows at the University of California, Davis beef research facility. Photo credit: Alison Van Eenennaam/ University of California, Davis

Gene-edited food regulations: whether it’s a plant or animal shouldn’t matter, but it does now

According to current regulations, animals that have been genetically edited, like pigs or cows, are considered drugs. What are the consequences of such rules on American livestock and agriculture?
Revolutionary technologies like CRISPR are founded on discoveries uncovered through basic research that attracts very little attention. United Soybean Board/flickr

New study confirms what scientists already know: basic research is under-valued

On average, important new lab techniques like CRISPR take 23 years to develop – but there is a public expectation that scientific breakthroughs occur quickly and efficiently.
CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing technology is being used in field from agriculture to medicine to food security and disease control. TotallyMJ/

CRISPR isn’t just for editing human embryos, it also works for plants and bugs: 5 essential reads

You may not agree with using the gene-editing tool, CRISPR, to alter the DNA of human babies. But what about using it to engineer plants? Or wipe out one of the world’s most dangerous creatures?
Chinese scientists led by He Jiankui claimed they used CRISPR to modify human embryos that eventually were born as twin girls. AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein

Rogue science strikes again: The case of the first gene-edited babies

The announcement of the birth of babies with edited genes has been met by a deluge of scientific and ethical criticism. Public discussion focuses on risks and benefits – was breaking this taboo worth it?
A Chinese scientist claims he edited the DNA of twin girls during an in vitro fertilization procedure. CI Photos /

The road to enhancement, via human gene editing, is paved with good intentions

A Chinese scientist has revealed he edited the DNA of twin girls born through in vitro fertilization. These girls are designed to be resistant to HIV. Is the edit a medical necessity or an enhancement?

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