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Articles on Far right

Displaying 41 - 60 of 171 articles

QAnon members participate in a protest against the counting of electoral votes in Washington, DC, which affirmed President-elect Joe Biden’s victory. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren, File)

Mothers of the movement: Leadership by alt-right women paves the way for violence

Women have assumed different roles in alt-right movements, including organizing protests, spreading misinformation and organizing militias.
A small group of COVID-19 mandate protesters remain on the street as the group packs up and prepares to head home on Memorial Blvd in Winnipeg, Man. on Feb. 23, 2022. THE CANADIAN PRESS/John Woods

Close to home: The Canadian far right, COVID-19 and social media

The “freedom convoy” was a culmination of years of persistent mobilization by far-right networks whose growth intensified as they digitally tapped into COVID-19 related grievances.
Police officers hold a line against protesters at a ‘freedom convoy’ blockade of the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor, Ont., that was broken up soon after police arrived on the scene en masse. People in Ottawa are wondering why their police force hasn’t pushed protesters out of the city or why the military isn’t involved. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette

The police, not the military, must stop the ‘freedom convoy’ and Canada’s far-right uprising

Police in Ottawa and other Canadian cities have been community-focused and protected the enshrined right to protest amid the ‘freedom convoy,’ but now must stand up for law and order for everyone.
A sign reads ‘Assassin Trudeau’ but the letters S in assassin are replaced with SS, abbreviation of Schutzstaffel, the black-uniformed self-described “political soldiers” of the Nazi Party. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

‘Freedom convoy’ rolls through Ottawa encouraging the participation of Canada’s far-right

At a time when the nation should be fighting against structural violence, resources and attention are being given to a cause that doesn’t deserve it.
People carry out a “die in” to protest the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse in Portland last week. The Rittenhouse case highlights the fluidity of white privilege. (AP Photo/Andrew Selsky)

The acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse raises questions about white privilege

The lionization of Rittenhouse by the right proves that even skin colour is not enough to protect white people who support anti-racism movements.
An anti-vaccination protester holds an upside down Canadian flag during a demonstration outside the venue of a Liberal Party election campaign event, in Newmarket, Ont. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette

The anti-vax movement is being radicalized by far-right political extremism

Vaccine hesitancy has been a subject of intense study in the field of scientific communication. Anti-vaxxers’ recent radicalization needs to be looked at.
A woman wears a Make Canada Great Again cap during a demonstration opposing government policy on immigration near the Canada-U.S. border in 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes

With far right groups on the rise, we should keep an eye on populism this federal election

As Canadians head to the polls, some are seeking new direction. One they claim promises to be “for the people.” And some are part of far right groups who are calling for a populist movement.

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