Contemporary terrorism is rooted in a form of political violence dating from the French Revolution. It is rooted in social facts and is now evolving on a global scale.
Sayfullo Saipov, the suspect in the Manhattan bike path attack, wasn’t a devout Muslim. He cursed and came late to prayers. A terrorism expert explains why such a man may want to be a martyr.
France has been living under a a state of emergency for nearly two years. The president now wants to make some of its most controversial elements permanent law.
With terrorists striking again in Spain and in Finland, one cannot help but ask – again – why people want to follow the Islamic State. Some new theories are emerging.
Western media continues to sell Muslims as perpetrators of savagery, deprivation and torture. But a new exhibit by French-Algerian artist Kader Attia challenges us to see beyond these depictions.
Last night’s terrorist attack in Manchester reveals the challenges facing European intelligence and security services in preventing people who use everyday things like cars to cause mayhem.
Just when the Western world had absorbed the shock of a truck attack in Berlin in December that claimed 12 lives, it is reminded again of the dangers of “lone-wolf” attacks inspired by Islamic State (IS…
Muslims from the Salafist tradition can often be seen as ‘radical.’ There is not much understanding of Salafism, its history and its diversity. Here’s what it means to be a Salafist.
Christian Mouhanna, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) – Université Paris-Saclay
Governments’ continual use of security forces to ‘keep order’ in low-income and minority neighborhoods masks their inability find solutions other than force.