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Articles on Human rights

Displaying 681 - 700 of 1011 articles

Protests over housing at, an informal settlement near Johannesburg. EPA/Cornell Tukiri

South Africa urgently needs to rethink its approach to housing

Recent events suggest that South Africa’s government may be resorting to short-term measures to pacify anger over lack of housing. But what’s needed is a major overhaul of the housing policy.
Graves at the memorial center Potocari, near Srebrenica. AP Photo/Amel Emric

Bosnia’s 25-year struggle with transitional justice

How long does it take to make peace? Decades after the end of the Bosnian war, just one in six residents felt that country had reached reconciliation.
The financialisation of housing has become central to wealth creation in Australian households. Andrey_Popov from

Explainer: the financialisation of housing and what can be done about it

We now value the house as a wealth builder, not just a place to live in and raise a family. The result is a distorted investment market that makes home ownership and rental unaffordable.
There is concern among some Liberals that the 18C issue will lose them votes in seats with large ethnic communities. Sam Mooy/AAP

Section 18C change appears doomed in Senate

Malcolm Turnbull has announced a watering down of the controversial Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act.

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