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Articles on Marine Le Pen

Displaying 101 - 120 of 134 articles

On September 15, 2012, a protest in Sydney by Salafi Muslims against an ‘anti-Islam’ film ended in violent confrontations with police. Jamie Kennedy/flickr

By framing secular society as a Christian creation, Hanson’s revival goes beyond simple racism

One Nation has built on the racism of its original anti-Asian platform by linking Australia’s secular society to its Christian origins and presenting Islam as incompatible with this way of life.
An anti-immigrant mood has been sweeping the West, such as in Finland. Scanpix Sweden/Reuters

Why we’re wrong to blame immigrants for our sputtering economies

Many politicians in the West – from backers of Brexit to Donald Trump – have convinced voters that immigrants are hurting their economies. The evidence suggests otherwise.
Soldiers patrol on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France, July 18, 2016. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard

It’s time for us to admit we’re afraid of terrorism

The far right isn’t afraid to admit to fear in the wake of brutal attacks like the one in Nice. More mainstream politicians would be wise to follow suit.
Many voters feel the major parties aren’t listening, which can be part of the appeal of populist candidates such as One Nation’s Pauline Hanson. Dan Peled/AAP

Vote 1 ‘Other’: what’s driving more voters to back a minor party this election

Watch Anne Tiernan and Duncan McDonnell discuss the popularity of minor parties and independents in this election – including what the Nick Xenophon Team learnt from the Palmer United Party.
Populists are on the rise on both sides of the Atlantic – Donald Trump (right) has even been called ‘America’s Marine Le Pen’ (left). AAP/EPA

Trendy electoral superheroes: from the Americas to Europe, the populists confront us

Populist politicians are on the march, first in Latin America, then in Europe and the US. They are on both the left and right, and their policies vary, but their approach carries the same risks.
Leader of the Front National, Marine le Pen, the morning after her party’s strong showing in the first round of regional elections. Pascal Rossignol/Reuters

France’s Front National: an anti-regional party at heart

France’s extreme-right party has national ambitions, but its lead in the first round of local elections puts it in direct contradiction with its long-proclaimed ideology.

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