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Articles on Middle East

Displaying 201 - 220 of 716 articles

Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, leading the Eid al-Fitr prayer ceremony in Tehran in early June. Iranian Supreme Leader's Office/EPA

US-Iran tensions: no route for de-escalation in sight

Donald Trump stepped back from launching US airstrikes inside Iran, but the conflict is unabated and there appears to be no way out of confrontation for now.
Israel has a powerful air force — and it’s not afraid to strike neighbors it perceives as a national security threat. AP Photo/Ariel Schalit

Israel could strike first as tensions with Iran flare

The US isn’t the only country considering a military response to Iranian aggression.
Navy boats from the United Arab Emirates next to the Al Marzoqah of Saudi Arabia, one of several international oil tankers attacked in the Gulf in May 2019. The Saudi government has blamed Iran for acts of sabotage. Reuters/Satish Kumar

What does the Trump administration want from Iran?

A showdown with Iran over some oil tanker attacks in the Persian Gulf could push the US into its next Mideast war, writes a scholar of military aggression.
The USS Arlington – which is being sent to the Gulf as part of a naval strike group. David Hecker/EPA

Is a war coming between the US and Iran?

Both Iran and the US say they are not seeking a war, but it could happen by default.
On the same day, May 14, 2018, Palestinians protest near the border of Israel and the Gaza Strip (left) while dignitaries applaud the opening ceremony of the new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem (right). AP/ADEL HANA, LEFT, AND SEBASTIAN SCHEINER

Why the Trump administration’s Israeli-Palestinian peace plan shouldn’t be released

About the only thing the Trump administration’s peace plan has going for it is the fact that no one expects it to work. And the plan’s likely failure could trigger more Israeli-Palestinian violence.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, center, Republican U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, left, and U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, right, in the Israeli-held Golan Heights on March 11, 2019. Ronen Zvulun/Pool via AP

Why Trump’s recognition of the Golan Heights as Israeli territory matters

Political leverage aside, it’s a major source of water in a parched corner of the world that harbors significant oil deposits.
The government briefed Indonesia before the Prime Minister outlined the new Australian policy in a speech in Sydney on Saturday. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Government hopes Jerusalem compromise will smooth Indonesian trade deal

Morrison announced a compromise position that recognises West Jerusalem as Israel’s capital but does not move Australia’s embassy there until a peace settlement determines Jerusalem’s final status.
The free trade agreement with Indonesia, which Australia originally. hoped would be signed this week when Morrison was in Singapore for the start of the summit season, has become hostage to the embassy decision. Mick Tskias/AAP

Grattan on Friday: Morrison government brings back memories of McMahon days

The fundamental point is that those were desperate days for the Coalition and so are these. “McMahon was in survival mode,” says author Patrick Mullins. The same could be said of Morrison.

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