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Articles on Policing

Displaying 221 - 240 of 316 articles

In Queensland, police can issue on-the-spot ten-day banning orders to patrons who engage in violent or anti-social behaviour in and around licensed venues. AAP/Dan Peled

Banning orders won’t solve alcohol-fuelled violence – but they can be part of the solution

Banning orders can encourage personal responsibility and demonstrate that anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated.
Police across Victoria made it clear that family violence was considered to be ‘different’ to the primary investigative mandate of their work. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

More police won’t necessarily lead to better outcomes on family violence – here’s what we need

Police remain critical in the effort to tackling family violence in all its forms. But more than just a commitment to extra police and training is needed to improve outcomes for victim-survivors.
CCTV footage is often seen to be decisive – an authoritative and objective witness that can tell us ‘what really happened’. AAP/Joe Castro

Does CCTV footage help or hinder the reduction of violence against women?

While potentially helpful in resolving extraordinary cases, an over-reliance on CCTV images to tell ‘the truth’ risks perpetuating certain myths regarding violence against women.
Gable Tostee was found not guilty of the murder of Warriena Wright, who fell from his balcony. AAP/Dan Peled/Queensland Supreme Court

Gable Tostee case: how common is death by falling?

Cases of homicide by falling are rare. But the Gable Tostee case is not the first instance of a fall from a building causing death being linked to criminal conduct.
Boxer Jack Johnson was relentlessly reprimanded for his arrogance and opulent lifestyle. But what was the criticism really about? Václav Soukup/flickr

The oppressive seeds of the Colin Kaepernick backlash

The controversy over Kaepernick’s refusal to stand for the National Anthem isn’t a watershed moment. It’s only the latest chapter in a long history of people trying to control how black people behave.
A student tries to stem her bleeding during clashes at the University of the Witwatersrand. Siphiwe Sibeko/Reuters

Why student protests in South Africa have turned violent

Protest movements become radicalised by two factors: escalating policing and competitive escalation between political adversaries and other protesting groups.
A still image captured from a video from the Tulsa Police Department shows Terence Crutcher with his hands in the air. Tulsa Police Department Handout via REUTERS

How the Jim Crow internet is pushing back against Black Lives Matter

A scholar of visual culture sees a transition happening online as the alt-right reinterprets images of police shootings to push back against the gains made by Black Lives Matter.
Protesters call for the arrest of an officer who shot dead unarmed motorist Terence Crutcher. REUTERS/Nick Oxford

Police shootings and race in America: Five essential reads

Protests erupted against the killing of black men by police in Tulsa and Charlotte. This roundup looks at research on racial violence and explains where there might be potential solutions.
A woman protesting the shooting death of Alton Sterling is detained by Baton Rouge police. REUTERS/Jonathan Bachman

Who dies in police custody? Texas, California offer new tools to find out

No federal database provides reliable info on deaths that occur in police custody. It’s the same situation in 48 states. But now California and Texas are offering new models of accountability.

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