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Articles on Wildlife conservation

Displaying 101 - 120 of 527 articles

Traffic at the south entrance to Yellowstone National Park on Aug. 20, 2015. Neal Herbert, NPS/Flickr

Overcrowded US national parks need a reservation system

It’s hard to preserve national parks “unimpaired,” as US law directs, when they’re overrun with tourists who stray off paths, strew trash and harass wildlife. A parks scholar calls for crowd control.
Caley’s grevillea (Grevillea caleyi) occurs in Sydney. It needs fire to germinate but burns are hard to carry out near urban areas. Tony Auld

The 50 beautiful Australian plants at greatest risk of extinction — and how to save them

Many threatened plant species aren’t being targeted for conservation. Identifying which are closest to being lost forever is the first step to protect them.
The bulloak jewel (Hypochrysops piceatus) Michael Braby

Next time you see a butterfly, treasure the memory: scientists raise alarm on these 26 species

There’s still a very good chance of recovery for most of these species, but only with new targeted conservation effort.
In some African countries, lion trophy hunting is legal. Riaan van den Berg

Recreational hunting, conservation and livelihoods: no clear evidence trail

Debates centred on the role of recreational hunting in supporting nature conservation and local people’s livelihoods are among the most polarising in conservation today.

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