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Articles on Young people

Displaying 361 - 380 of 391 articles

Death rates from type 1 diabetes in UK males aged 15 to 24 have almost doubled since 2000. York Vision/flickr

Why is diabetes killing so many teenagers?

Death rates for young men with type 1 diabetes in the UK have shot past similar figures for Western Europe. Greater focus on adolescents could save lives.
Young people take a keen interest in key policy areas such as climate change – the main problem is a lack of government engagement with them on such intergenerational issues. AAP/Newzulu/Zoe Reynolds

How to engage youth in making policies that work for us all

Lack of youth involvement in politics is often attributed to lack of interest. But my research indicates the bigger barrier is government capacity to listen to and work with young people’s views.
Generation austerity no longer believes the future will be better than the present. lilgamerboy14

Austerity has hampered our ability to imagine a better future

In the UK and other parts of the Western world, the notion that we are progressing towards a better future has been a consistent, if not entirely uninterrupted, ideal. But in recent years, this idea seems…
Why do 14-17s have such different views to 18-24s? East Lothian Musems

The next generation may vote differently, just ask the Scots

There seems to be a contradiction in the media reports about young people and their voting intentions in the Scottish referendum. While many polls and the Scottish Social Attitudes survey have found that…
The policy idea seems to be that poverty will force young people to work, but what if there are too few jobs? AR Images/Shutterstock

Budget wields big sticks and offers few carrots to young people

In the lead-up to the 2014-15 budget, Australians heard the federal government’s mantra that the “adults are back in charge”. However, the government’s approach to young people has been vague since its…
Treasurer Joe Hockey warned Australians that ‘the age of entitlement is over’ – a promise that certainly came true for young Australians in the federal budget. AAP/Lukas Coch

Young people are now on the edge of our reconfigured welfare state

The 2014-15 federal budget continues the deconstruction of Australia’s post-war welfare state. In fact, the budget takes it a step further, particularly for the young. People under the age of 30 will now…
British children are among the saddest. Niall Carson/PA Wire

Children are unhappy enough without cuts to youth services

It was reported last week that spending on youth services is down by one third, with some budgets cut by 78%. The cuts to youth service budgets have been called “disproportionate” by Tim Loughton, the…
Young left out of the recovery. Andy Rain/EPA

Hard Evidence: are young people’s job prospects improving?

Recessions always hit young people hard. Firms’ first response to declining orders is to stop hiring new recruits rather than sacking experienced staff. Young people disproportionately rely on new hiring…

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