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Todos os artigos de Apple

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It’s got new cameras, a new screen and it generated plenty of old-fashioned launch hype. Apple

Apple’s new iPad is no game-changer … but does that really matter?

Ever since the death of Steve Jobs, interested onlookers have been watching for the first missteps in Apple’s seemingly faultless journey to becoming the world’s most valued and valuable company. Because…
You might not be getting enough shut-eye (and you may not even know it). orangeacid

Dream appzzz: can the iPhone help you sleep?

Sleep matters – and yet many of us know how difficult it can be to get enough unbroken slumber. Research has shown that getting less than seven to eight hours’ sleep daily is associated with increased…
Should legislation be used to tame the search engine’s appetite? COG LOG LAB

Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? Google, that’s who

We all know Google has a history of privacy-related misdemeanors but a report in the Wall Street Journal last week suggests the search giant hasn’t learn from its mistakes. The report, about the findings…
Smartphones are changing the way we take (and share) photos. Apple

Killing the Kodak moment … is the iPhone really to blame?

According to the Wall Street Journal, camera manufacturer Kodak is preparing to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, following a long struggle to maintain any sort of viable business. The announcement has prompted…
What’s coming up? Where will we find it? What does it mean? h.koppdelaney

Top ten tech predictions for 2012 … and how to interpret them

Around this time of year you see plenty of articles (such as this one) reflecting on notable technologies and events of the year now gone. Such pieces will also attempt to predict the events of the year…
Steve Jobs’ desire for an enduring memory of his work led him to engage a biographer. The book has become his obituary. EPA/Britta Pedersen

The power of biography: Why Steve Jobs’ legend will live on

Steve Jobs’ “official” biography was always going to be a bestseller, with its promise of a candid examination of the inner workings of the world’s most successful salesman and the company he twice built…
Believe the hype … Siri will transform the way we use our phones. Michael Nagle/Getty Images/AFP

Apple’s iPhone 4S is a game changer … Siri-ously

The recent release of the Apple iPhone 4S was met with some disappointment because it wasn’t the iPhone 5. Curiously, people seemed to be most disappointed that the shape of the phone hadn’t changed. What…
Steve Jobs discussed iOS5 in one of his final public appearances. AFP/Kimihiro Hoshino

iOS 5 is a leap forward for Apple … once you get past Error 3200

Apple has made a series of releases today, including an upgrade to its iPhone and iPad operating system iOS 5, the introduction of iCloud, its cloud storage service and, in the US, its new music matching…
Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, who died on Thursday, played a major role in romanticising middle-class occupations. AAP

How Steve taught us to love our Jobs too much

In a commencement address delivered at Stanford University in 2005, a speech that many are reading again this week, Steve Jobs told assembled graduates he was lucky to have found what he loved to do early…
Apple’s “visionary and creative genius” has died at the age of 56. Apple

RiP Steve Jobs – the CEO we felt we knew

Apple founder Steve Jobs, one of the technology industry’s most influential figures, has died after a battle with cancer, at 56. In a brief statement, the company announced his death without giving a specific…
Apple founder Steve Jobs revolutionised our relationship with computers and phones, experts say. AAP

Apple founder Steve Jobs dead

Apple founder Steve Jobs, widely seen as one of tech industry’s most influential figures, has died after a battle with cancer that forced him to resign as CEO in August. He was 56. In a statement posted…
Stepping into the shoes of Steve Jobs was never going to be easy. EPA

The iPhone 4S: has Tim Cook started his tenure as Apple CEO with a dud?

If Steve Jobs’ illness wasn’t so apparent, one could be forgiven for thinking he had deliberately left Apple when he did to avoid making the “Let’s Talk iPhone” announcements. Instead, it was left to Apple’s…
Grindr is an app that allows gay men to meet up for … fun and friendship. flickr/nathaninsandiego

Grindr, Blendr and why gays get all the cool stuff first

The second Stephen Fry mentioned Grindr on Top Gear of course its popularity surged. Not only did the app – designed to help homosexual blokes hook up with those geographically convenient – surge in popularity…
Apple chief steve Jobs exits, but his grip on the company is likely to remain.

Will Steve Jobs’ resignation shake Apple to its core?

“God dammit, Gil,” shouted Bill Gates. “Why are you spending $400 million on this junk? Steve knows nothing about technology. He’s just a kind of super salesman. Virtually everything he thinks and says…

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