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Articles sur Fish

Affichage de 401 à 409 de 409 articles

Atlantic herring population affected by haddock

Results from an Atlantic herring population model developed by National Oceanic and Atmoshpheric Administration (NOAA) scientists…

Limb gene present in ancient fish

A genetic instruction controlling limb development was present in fish almost half a billion years ago, researchers at a…
Swordfish use their nose to find and chop up fish, not for foraging, as previously thought. Flickr

Sawfish nose a deadly dismembering weapon, researcher discovers

Sawfish use their long serrated noses to find and dismember hapless fish, an Australian researcher has discovered, debunking a previous assumption that the saw was a simple foraging tool. A sawfish can…

Toadfish grunts not so simple

The simple grunting sound of the toadfish might contain surprisingly complex information. Birds, amphibians and mammals use…

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