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Articles sur Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)

Affichage de 1 à 20 de 711 articles

A recent court case concluded that developers should not have been granted planning permission to extract fossil fuels from the Surrey Hills. Ali Kiresci/Shutterstock

Landmark court ruling will have huge implications for new fossil fuel projects in UK

Regardless of where in the world the oil would be burnt, local authorities must consider the greenhouse gas emissions before granting the planning permission.
A seabed habitat on the ocean floor off the coast of Nova Scotia seen on the third dive of the NOAA Deep Connections 2019 expedition. (NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research)

New research sheds lights on the huge carbon store in Canada’s seabed

New research has revealed the scale of the carbon-storage potential of the seabeds around Canada, conservation efforts must take this new data into account.
Fertilizer is a leading source of emissions of nitrous oxide, a planet-warming greenhouse gas. pixdeluxe/E+ via Getty Images

Food has a climate problem: Nitrous oxide emissions are accelerating with growing demand for fertilizer and meat – but there are solutions

The most comprehensive assessment yet of a powerful greenhouse gas shows which countries are driving the increase, and which ones are successfully cutting emissions.
Afforestation is one way to offset greenhouse gas emissions. Yet it is not always easy to navigate the different types of projects or methods available, and the possibility of greenwashing is ever-present. (Shutterstock)

Carbon credits are useful for stabilizing the climate, but are they used effectively?

Offsetting greenhouse gas emissions can be an effective tool for limiting global warming. But many offset projects fail to meet their GHG reduction targets.
Solar engineering is designed to reflect some of the Sun’s ray back into space. John Crouch/Moment via Getty Imgaes

Climate engineering carries serious national security risks − countries facing extreme heat may try it anyway, and the world needs to be prepared

The big question: Would climate engineering like sending reflective particles into the stratosphere or brightening clouds help reduce the national security risks of climate change or make them worse?

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