In April 2022, iPhone users were upset to learn about a restrictive feature on iPhones. The blocking of photos taken at sensitive locations raised concerns about how technologies manage our memories.
Apple just announced its latest suite of iPhones will not use the proprietary Lightning charger. This isn’t a surprise due to EU regulations announced last year.
The iPhone already has an accelerometer, gyroscope, light meter, microphone, camera and GPS. Why does Apple now want you to tell it how you’re feeling?
Wanning Sun spent nearly a decade talking to migrant workers at the Apple factory in China’s Shenzhen about their intimate lives – and how their relationships are affected by inequality.
Despite the highest inflation rates in 40 years, Apple chose not to raise prices on its gadgets. More bizarre, the consumer price index suggests smartphones are 20% cheaper than a year ago.
Despite its ‘innovator’ status, Apple usually wasn’t the first one to offer groundbreaking new features. But it knew how to adopt existing features in groundbreaking ways.
Apple will scan all photos uploaded to the cloud for child sexual abuse without actually looking at the photos. Privacy experts are concerned by the lack of public accountability.
By adding excessive hurdles to the repair process and restricting access to parts, big device manufacturers leave both the customer and small repair businesses disadvantaged.