A 1930s vibrator was just another household appliance. Fiona Hanson/PA Images via Getty Images) 8 juin 2020 Vibrators had a long history as medical quackery before feminists rebranded them as sex toys Kim Adams, New York University From its roots as an electric version of snake oil, by the 1930s vibrators were just another household electric appliance that could soothe your pains at the end of a long day.
Somali women on a coronavirus awareness campaign. Abdirazak Hussein/GettyImages 13 avril 2020 Debunking 9 popular myths doing the rounds in Africa about the coronavirus Neelaveni Padayachee, University of the Witwatersrand et Lisa Claire du Toit, University of the Witwatersrand Some of the false claims about coronavirus may be harmless. But others can be potentially dangerous.
The line-up of BBC2 comedy drama, Quacks. BBC Media Centre 16 août 2017 The real Quacks: medical misadventures in the Victorian era Alannah Tomkins, Keele University A new BBC drama manages to capture the flawed, but sometimes brilliant, men of Victorian medicine.