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Articles sur Shares

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Investing is pretty much what you make of it. You can go fast and risk it all, or go slow and make those investments that pay off in the long run. (Shutterstock)

Young investors: Here’s some tips for getting into the market

Just got your first paycheck, or saved a tidy sum from your first job? You might be thinking about how to invest your money. Here are some of the things you should think about.
BlackRock Inc is relatively unknown outside financial circles, but it owns the largest share in the biggest 299 companies in the world. Edward Munoz/Reuters

Who owns the world? Tracing half the corporate giants’ shares to 30 owners

Today the world is dominated by 30 financial corporations that hold more than half the shareholdings of its corporate giants. And they follow the logic of finance capital – the logic of money.
ASX took a wrong bet with Blockchain.

What next for the ASX and Blockchain in 2017?

What a difference a year makes. In January 2016, ASX was bathing in the warm glow of having been acclaimed by Blythe Masters, an American super saleswoman and head of a Blockchain start-up called Digital…
Research suggests Twitter trends can accurately forecast stock market changes.

How twitter informs the stock market

On April 23, the US stock market suddenly lost 1.5% of its value after news of an attack on the White House quickly spread from the (hacked) Twitter account of the Associated Press news agency. Within…

High-frequency trading a zero-sum game

The speed increase of stock trading from microseconds to nanoseconds leads to an increase in order cancellations and is otherwise…
Rupert Murdoch wields enormous influence, but is subject to little accountability. AAP

For News shareholders, it’s Rupert’s way or the highway

Rupert Murdoch recently told owners of 62% of the equity in News Corporation that they had no business in corporate decision-making. The company employees in excess of 50,000 people and has revenues of…

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