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Politics – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 1526 - 1550 of 2901 articles

Far from saving for a rainy day, governments are seriously indebting our children and future generations due to profligate overspending. Ben Wicks/Unsplash

Huge government debts mean Canada is robbing its kids

Canadian governments are failing to treat future citizens fairly by saddling them with huge debt. What policies should Canadian governments enact that offer greater fairness to future generations?
A woman holds a sign as she attends the Women’s March in downtown Chicago, Oct. 17, 2020. Dozens of Women’s March rallies were planned to signal opposition to President Donald Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. (AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh)

What a Trump win or loss will mean for feminism

A Trump loss on Nov. 3 would demonstrate that the grassroots organizing of American women has paid off.
Will Donald Trump win again? History suggests it’s possible. The president pumps his fist after speaking at a campaign rally at Phoenix Goodyear Airport on Oct. 28, 2020, in Goodyear, Ariz. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)

Why voter loyalty to incumbents could spell victory for Trump

Americans at the ballot box have historically adopted the adage: Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t. Does that mean Trump will win a second term?
Witch-identified folks are sharing spells online in an act of magical resistance in advance of the U.S. election. (Shutterstock)

This Halloween, witches are casting spells to defeat Trump and #WitchTheVote in the U.S. election

As the U.S. election approaches, various groups have mobilized to vote. But witches have taken it a little further, organizing online spellcasting meet-ups to engage in magical resistance.
In this July 2020 photo, a woman is comforted in her home during a wake for her son who was killed along with at least 26 others in an attack by drug cartels on a drug rehabilitation centre where he was being treated in Irapuato, Mexico. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo)

Trump and Biden ignore how the war on drugs fuels violence in Latin America

The American public should understand that the United States has played a critical role in creating and fuelling violence in Latin America via its unsuccessful war on drugs.
Young people don’t pay attention to government communication on COVID-19 because they don’t like being talked at rather than listened to. Alexis Brown/Unsplash

Why young people tune out government COVID-19 messaging

Communicators must listen to the frustrations, fears and concerns of young people about COVID-19. Then they need to speak to them like human beings, rather than talk at them.
Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole holds his first news conference as leader on Parliament Hill in Ottawa in August 2020. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

The risk of ‘peak oil demand’ for Canada’s Conservatives

Recent industry reports indicate that we may be approaching peak global demand for oil. If that’s the case, the federal Conservatives may need to rethink their electoral strategy.
Rising sea levels are threatening homes on Diamniadio Island, Saloum Delta in Senegal. A child stands outside a home’s former kitchen, surrounded by mangrove branches, in 2015. (AP Photo/Jane Hahn)

Why all human rights depend on a healthy environment

Among the human rights under threat are the rights to life, health, food, a healthy environment, water, an adequate standard of living and culture.
Teacher activism in the U.S. has helped pushed the Democratic party towards renewed investment in public education. Children listen as former president Barack Obama campaigns for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, Oct. 21, 2020, in Philadelphia. (AP Photo/ Matt Slocum)

How teachers’ union activism helped shift the U.S. election debate on education

The push to expand charter schools in the U.S. contributed to a robust movement of teachers’ unions and allies demanding a well-resourced public school system.
U.S. President Donald Trump staged a visit in front of St. John’s Church June 1 in Washington after authorities cleared protestors from the area, prompting the bishop overseeing the church to express outrage. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Donald Trump is hardly the ‘Republican Jesus’

The Republican political strategy that uses Christian language to cast Trump as a divinely appointed protector of an authoritarian Christian nation warrants more scrutiny than it’s received.
Samira, originally from Belgium, walks with her son in Camp Roj in northern Syria. Her French husband is imprisoned for links to the Islamic State. She has tried to return to Belgium, where she says she wants to reintegrate into society, but their repatriation has sparked controversy. (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo)

Canada needs a plan to bring home the children of jihadists

The children of Canadians who have left to join the Islamic State are the subject of a fierce debate about Canada’s obligation to their repatriation.
People display Qanon messages on cardboards during a political rally in Bucharest, Romania on Aug. 10, 2020. (Shutterstock)

Folk devils and fear: QAnon feeds into a culture of moral panic

The QAnon conspiracy movement is the latest in a long line of moral panics that emerge as a response to change. False theories are used to undermine claims to social justice raised by marginalized groups.
In this April 2020 photo, protesters carry rifles near the steps of the Michigan State Capitol building in Lansing, Mich. A plot to kidnap Michigan’s governor has put a focus on the security of governors in the United States. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

Right-wing extremism: The new wave of global terrorism

Is right-wing violent extremism the new fifth wave of modern terrorism? If so, there’s no doubt the impacts of COVID-19 will only help accelerate the radicalization of its adherents.
In this April 2013 photo, Bangladeshis gather as rescuers look for survivors and victims at the site of the Rana Plaza building that collapsed a day earlier, in Savar, Bangladesh. (AP Photo/A.M.Ahad)

Corporate social responsibility commitments: All talk, no action

Until there are global standards for authentic corporate social responsibility efforts, we will continue to see local impoverishment, hazardous waste and tragic labour accidents in the Global South.
U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally at Carson City Airport on Oct. 18, 2020, in Carson City, Nev. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Can America survive the re-election of Donald Trump?

Americans can survive a second Trump term if they resurrect a language of critique and possibility that draws from history and shields the U.S. from authoritarianism.
This combination of Sept. 29, 2020, file photos show President Donald Trump, left, and former Vice President Joe Biden during the first presidential debate in Cleveland, Ohio. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

20/20 vision needed in 2020: How this U.S. election compares to other tumultuous votes

The U.S. presidential election is again serving as a symptom and a symbol of a troubled society. Whatever the outcome, history suggests anything but a quick resolution to deeply rooted problems.