By showing us a world from which mothers are largely absent, Mary Shelley reminds us that the genius of motherhood lies less in biological reproduction than in the capacity to love.
Not much attention has been given to how mothers who want to attend workshops and conferences are supported. This simple intervention can boost the presence of women in science.
Alma Gottlieb, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Opening the minds of worried new parents to other ways of raising children may assuage fears that if they fail to ‘do the right thing,’ their children will be doomed.
Teenagers, unmarried women and migrants are among those missing out on antenatal care in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy, according to new Australian research.
Why is it all about mom? Fathers want to be more involved in their children’s lives, but are limited by public policy and social institutions. This is a bad deal for dads, kids and moms alike.
A controversial policy could make women prove they were raped before they can get benefits is set to come into effect despite a wide coalition of opponents.
The clinical committee reviewing obstetrics services for the federal government’s Medicare review said suicide is one of the leading causes of maternal death in Australia. Is that true?
Rae Kaspiew, Australian Institute of Family Studies
Separating couples who use the family law system generally have a positive experience - but for a troubled minority, there is still much work to be done.
Clinician Scientist, Canada Research Chair in Injury Prevention and Physical Activity for Health, Sport Medicine Physician, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University