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Articles on Rupert Murdoch

Displaying 101 - 120 of 155 articles

Media mogul Rupert Murdoch may still bestride the world like a colossus, but the world is shifting under his feet. AAP/Dan Himbrechts

Book review: Rupert Murdoch – A Reassessment

In the late 1980s, shortly after Rupert Murdoch’s News Ltd had swallowed the Herald and Weekly Times to become the print media behemoth that it is today, I found myself working on the subeditors’ table…
Lachlan Murdoch, oldest son of Rupert, has returned to the position of preferred heir to the throne of News Corp and 21st Century Fox. EPA/Andrew Gombert

Lachlan Murdoch and News: the first-born son is ahead … for now

After nearly nine years down under doing his own thing with Illyria, Network Ten and Nova, Lachlan Murdoch’s return to the family business as non-executive co-chairman of News Corp and 21st Century Fox…
Do I look like I need leading? Linda Tanner

Why autocratic bosses are a dying breed

The idea that everyone wants leadership and wants to be led is a popular one, especially among corporate CEOs, but how true is it? Recent political events in Ukraine and Thailand should focus business…
Rupert Murdoch has long been attracted to China, but was it a case of unrequited love? AAP/Dan Himbrechts

China proves immune to Murdoch-style regime change

Having created an empire on which the sun never sets, it must have been a heavy blow to Rupert Murdoch when his company, 21st Century Fox, announced last week it had sold its 47% stake in Star China TV…
Rupert Murdoch may look to a more sympathetic government for reform to the anti-siphoning list of sporting events. EPA/Drew Angerer

Political favours and the rights of TV sport audiences

As the dust settles after a decisive change of government, it is time for the main support players to call in their favours. Among the cheerleaders for a Coalition government, none was more vocal than…
Murdoch’s World, by David Folkenflik, looks back at the scandal that beset Rupert Murdoch’s business empire. EPA/Drew Angerer

Review: Murdoch’s World – the last of the old media empires

The eruption of the News International phone hacking scandal has caused significant problems for Rupert Murdoch and his business empire. It forced him to close his big money spinner, News of the World…
Jeff Bezos: can he save journalism? Stephen Brashear/AP/Press Association Images

Pin your hopes on the next generation to fix news media

When representatives of the British newspaper industry were defending their freedoms from the modest changes to press regulation proposed by Lord Justice Leveson, they compared the UK with Zimbabwe, Iran…
Australians have combined the right to “have a go” with the egalitarian capacity for the “fair go”. AAP

Rupert Murdoch, economic disruption and Australian values

In Rupert Murdoch’s fly-in, fly-out visit to speak at the 2013 Annual Lowy Institute Lecture he paid tribute to some traditional Australian values and attributed our success to a number of factors. Murdoch…
What does the future hold for multiculturalism in Australia under an Abbott government? betta design

Does Murdoch’s multiculturalism light Abbott’s path to the future?

Rupert Murdoch’s Lowy lecture last week celebrated Australia as a multicultural and migrant society, a place where “multiculturalism is not relativism, and tolerance is not indifference” and there is “an…
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch on his ‘most humble day’ before a British parliamentary inquiry into phone hacking. Paul Barry’s new book delivers an insight into his rise and recent troubles. EPA/Press Association

Book review: Breaking News – Sex, Lies & the Murdoch Succession

The best lines in investigative journalist Paul Barry’s new book - Breaking News: Sex, Lies & the Murdoch Succession - are supplied by Lord Conrad Black of Crossharbour, that connoisseur of corporate…
Where will Rupert Murdoch’s influential broadsheet The Australian focus its agenda now that there has been a change of government? AAP/Dean Lewins

Now Abbott’s in, what will The Australian do?

How does a newspaper of strong ideological preferences - such as News Corp broadsheet The Australian - respond when there is a government in office that more closely shares its ideology than did the previous…
Former News Corp Australia chief executive Kim Williams speaking with journalist Kerry O'Brien at a QUT business leaders’ forum. Kim Stephens/Brisbane Times

Former News Corp chief plays coy on election coverage

In his first major speech since his sudden resignation last month as News Corp Australia’s chief executive, Kim Williams had the packed Grand Ballroom at Brisbane’s Hilton hotel abuzz with speculation…
Wherever the leaders went on the campaign trail the media followed. How can we assess the media’s performance? AAP/Alan Porritt

Election 2013: the role of the media

In one sense, the Australian media did a good job under difficult circumstances in this election. The difficult part was how predictable the campaign was and the increasing inevitability of the outcome…
British Labour MP has worked to expose and investigate activities by News Corporation figures ranging from phone hacking to bribing police. Chris Boland

In Conversation with Tom Watson MP: edited transcript

Jill Singer: You’ve come here fresh from being British Labour’s campaign coordinator, which you’re not doing now. We won’t get into all the argy-bargy about that. But I wonder, coming from that perspective…
Rupert Murdoch’s evidence to the Leveson Inquiry appears to contradict statements recorded by his journalists in mid-2013, says Labour MP Tom Watson. Toastwife

In Conversation with Tom Watson MP: “If I was Lord Leveson I’d be asking which Rupert Murdoch was telling me the truth”

Rupert Murdoch may have perjured himself before the Leveson Inquiry, according to claims made by British Labour MP Tom Watson. Watson, who has spent much of the last five years investigating activities…
Kim Williams’ departure from News Corp can be seen through the prism of him having ‘failed to civilise’ the media giant. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Tomorrow’s fish n’ chips: Kim Williams leaves News Corp

Poor old Kim Williams. It was like putting celebrity chef Gabriel Gaté in charge of the abattoir. Red in tooth and claw is the News Corp style, especially during election campaigns, and now in the midst…
The resignation of News Corp Australia CEO Kim Williams comes at the end of week where the company’s tabloids were criticised for ‘biased’ election coverage. AAP/Lukas Coch

News is the story as boss Kim Williams resigns

The first week of what is shaping up to be a great election campaign ended as it began – with the media at the forefront of the agenda. Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp Australia has been firmly in focus all…
We take a closer look at the claim the prime minister has made on the Murdoch press in Australia.

FactCheck: does Murdoch own 70% of newspapers in Australia?

“Mr Murdoch is entitled to his own view… he owns 70% of the newspapers in this country.” – Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, press conference, 6 August. One of the more spirited discussions of the first week…

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