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Artículos sobre Aceh

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Local fishermen take matters into their own hands to rescue dozens of Rohingya people drifting on a broken boat in waters off Lhoksukon in Aceh. Rahmad/Antara Foto

Why Aceh is a rare place of welcome for Rohingya refugees

Islamic solidarity, customary law and their experience of conflict and foreign aid can explain the Acehnese greeting people in need with open arms.
Screening tools are available to help health practitioners and individuals to detect mental health problems. But Indonesia still needs to ensure people with mental health problems are treated.

260 million people and less than 1000 psychiatrists, Indonesia’s mental health worker shortage

Indonesia should start investing in mental health care and ensuring that each Puskesmas has enough human resources to detect, treat and care for people with mental disorders.
The 13th anniversary of the tsunami presents an opportunity to reflect on the changes in Acehnese gender relations. Reuters/Damir Sagolj

The post-tsunami paradox of female empowerment in Aceh

Post-tsunami the position of women in Acehnese society has in many ways changed and, arguably, worsened compared to their historically high status.
The road to recovery is a long one for Nepal, which goes beyond the immediate priority of disaster relief. Diego Azubel/AAP

Quake recovery can leverage change of lasting benefit to Nepal

Politics in Nepal will hinder relief and recovery efforts following the earthquake and its aftershocks. But look at it the other way around. Could the disaster help to resolve political problems?
In the wake of the Nepal earthquake it’s important people don’t rush in to “rescue” kids who might not in fact be orphaned. AAP

Earthquake orphans: what Nepal can learn from Haiti

Following the earthquake in 2010, people flocked to Haiti to “rescue” orphaned and lost children. The problem that has since emerged is that many of the “orphans” placed in orphanages and sent for adoption, were not orphaned at all.
The tsunami devastated the beaches of Aceh in Indonesia, but children now play on them once more. EPA/Hotli Simanjuntak

A huge fertility boom followed the Boxing Day tsunami

How does the death of a child affect parents’ subsequent fertility? On a population scale this has been difficult to answer, but it has fundamental implications for understanding population dynamics across…
Indonesian state institutions reinforce the labelling of women into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ by policing women’s bodies. EPA/Hotli Simanjuntak

Indonesia should drop ‘good’ and ‘bad’ labels on women

Society often labels women in two categories: “good” and “bad”. Both of these labels reduce women from human beings to stereotypes. They are detrimental to women’s rights as seen in two recent controversies…
Aceh’s provincial elections will test democratic progress. AAP/Hotli Simanjutak

Votes not violence: rebuilding post-disaster Aceh

The massive but largely benign earthquake off the coast of Sumatra on Wednesday left millions in Aceh reliving the nightmare that engulfed them on Boxing Day 2004. On that day, a similarly large earthquake…

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