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Artículos sobre Australian history

Mostrando 81 - 100 de 368 artículos

‘Trucked Off to Brewarrina Mission’, Wanaaring 1938. 1 of 6 images by May Hunt. Photo first published in the New Dawn, January 1974. Originally incorrectly attributed to Ron Riley. This was included in the ‘Looking Through Windows’ exhibition courtesy of Harold Hunt and family.

An Ode To My Grandmother: remaking the past using oral histories, theatre and music

Indigenous oral history is more than a methodology. It is living history, practised for thousands of millennia, intrinsically woven into Aboriginal people’s way of life and culture.
‘Peace for our time’: British prime minister Neville Chamberlain displaying the Anglo-German declaration, known as the Munich Agreement, in September 1938. Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis via Getty Images

Are we learning the wrong lessons from history?

Oversimplified versions of the past lead to bad political decisions.
Tracker Nat, holding his hat on the far left, with Paul Hasluck standing next to him, holding Nat’s shield in this picture from 1958. National Archives of Australia. NAA: A1200, L28199.

Rediscovering the art of Tracker Nat: ‘the Namatjira of carving’

During the 1950s, Nat made hundreds of carvings. Today, many of these are likely to be lying unidentified in people’s homes and in museum basements.
A Pacific island woman with a child planting sugar cane in a field, Bingara, Queensland, c 1897. John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland.

Friday essay: ‘I said no’ – Nie’s refusal and the troubling question of Pacific slavery in Australia

In 1881, a Pacific Islander woman brought here to work on a sugar cane plantation ran away. She was violently retrieved by her employer. Her story sheds moving light on a dark history of exploitation.

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