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Artículos sobre Book reviews

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John Busst ‘s self portrait, painted on Bedarra island. Photo: Liz Gallie. Portrait and photo gifted by Margaret Thorsbourne AO to Friends of Ninney Rise, Bingil Bay.

Bohemian, artist, conservationist: breathing humanity into the man who fought to protect Queensland’s rainforest and reef

Born into a wealthy family, John Büsst left Melbourne for north Queensland where he campaigned against planned oil and gas exploration of the reef in the 1960s. His story was little known, until now.
The shortlisted books for 2024’s Women’s Prize for Fiction. Women's Prize for Fiction

Women’s prize for fiction 2024: six expert reviews of the shortlisted books

From stories of Irish mothers to Shakespearean actors in the West Bank, this year’s shortlist is as varied as ever.

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