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Artículos sobre Banking

Mostrando 141 - 160 de 379 artículos

No need for a bank: Just a smartphone and a blockchain. Houman Haddad/UN World Food Program

Can blockchain technology help poor people around the world?

Already becoming a darling of Wall Street, blockchain technology’s biggest real benefits could come to the world’s poorest people. Here’s how.
Shadow or parallel banking refers to the non-bank financial intermediaries that supply services similar to commercial banks. Jenny Evans/AAP

Explainer: shadow banking and where it came from

Shadow banking provides investors with the means to isolate risks, transfer profits, avoid regulation and increase the range of money-like financial products available for investment.
Financial inclusion has been touted as one of the solutions to addressing poverty in South Africa. REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko

South Africa’s social grants: busting the myth about financial inclusion

Entities at the centre of the storm engulfing South Africa’s social grants distribution system have claimed to be champions of financial inclusion. The claim in itself is scandalous.
Commonwealth Bank CEO Ian Narev got a 50% pay rise despite scandals involving the bank in 2016. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

ASIC gives the banks cause for Christmas celebration

Just before everyone sits down for their Christmas dinner ASIC has handed two of Australia’s big four banks a big present.
AAP/Reuters/The Conversation

2016, the year that was: Business and Economics

Scandals, elections, budgets, 2016 had it all. Here’s what made news in business and economics.
Blockchain can’t solve every problem in the finance industry.

Blockchain – not fit for financial markets

For a discipline that is supposedly rational, finance has had its fair share of irrational crazes. For example, the dotcom bubble and the collateralized debt obligation craze that led to the global financial…
Superannuation’s influence on the Australian financial sector mostly balances out.

Business Briefing: what super is doing to banking and finance

Business Briefing: what super is doing to banking and finance The Conversation10 MB (download)
New research modelled how an increase in the superannuation guarantee would affect the finance sector and the results show it all balances out.

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